Rococo upholstered furniture of France. Typological, terminological, architectonic and art features


  • Anna I. Nikitina Saint Petersburg State University


Article is devoted to r esearch and analysis of the architectonic and art forms of the rococo upholstered furniture of France. The main types of upholstered furniture of this period are emphasized, as well as forms, constructions and production techniques. Special attention is paid to detection of forms of furniture which are defined by peculiarity of use. Terminology specification was one of the main task. The book by A. J. Roubo “Encyclopedia of carpentry” (“L’Art du menuisier en meubles”) that was published in 1772 in France and translated into Russian, has become fundamental for this research. The schemes of the furniture which are given in the Encyclopedia are important for understanding of furniture’s constructions. These schemes can be treated as visual aid at some stages of restoration as well as for producing some interior items. Materials from this article can be used for different theoretical researches and projects in furniture restoration and can be also useful in deepening and broadening of knowledge in conservation of historical interiors and attribution of the items of decoration.


rococo, Louis XV, upholstered furniture, restoration, typology, form, construction, production techniques


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Author Biography

Anna I. Nikitina, Saint Petersburg State University

Master of Restoration



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How to Cite

Nikitina, A. I. (2014). Rococo upholstered furniture of France. Typological, terminological, architectonic and art features. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(3), 158–173. Retrieved from


