12 and a half characters of play “The Cherry Orchard” which are out of the play (search of emotional logic, math surmises, philological conjecture)


  • Konstantin V. Gershov Saint Petersburg State University


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the play The cherry Orchard, which was done based on texts of other A. Chekhov plays, his letters, diaries and notebooks. The author supports director review with drama study searches, based on which there are philological comparison, math calculations and unexpected hypothesises. Separate attention is paid to “Astral family” theory and personal belief and faith of A. Chekhov postulates, based on textual reconstructions. The author speculated about the exact age of the protagonists and the exact calendar dates during which the events of the four acts of The Cherry Orchard are taking place; interprets events in Chekhov’s place by association with chapter 12 of the Ecclesiastes; suggests a hypothesis about the White and Grey angels (Charlotte and Epikhodov); makes parallels within literature associated with the image of “a broken string”. Findings, to which the author comes, allow to get a fresh view on Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard in a contemporary understanding and this play’s perception in a modern theatre.


A. Chekhov, “The Cherry Orchard”, “Astral family”, “two steps”, White and Grey angels (Charlotte and Epikhodov)


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Author Biography

Konstantin V. Gershov, Saint Petersburg State University

associate professor of the Department of Theatre Arts of The Faculty of Arts, , honored worker of Culture of Russian Federation



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1. Chekhov A. P. Poln. sobr. soch.: v 12 t. M.: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 1961. T. 9. 712 p.

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How to Cite

Gershov, K. V. . (2014). 12 and a half characters of play “The Cherry Orchard” which are out of the play (search of emotional logic, math surmises, philological conjecture). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(4), 21–39. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/4529


