The Finnweave weaving method in Russian decorative double-weave fabrics


  • Natalia G. Koltysheva Saint Petersburg State University
  • Valery A. Mariev Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg


This article demonstrates that Russian decorative double-weave fabrics belong to the fabrics elaborated according to the weaving method known as “Finnweave”. It also shows that decorative double-weave fabrics from the Ryazan’ and Perm regions contain decorative elements that are also found on a Masurian carpet from the 18th century. The Finnweave method was used in the production of the double-weave carpets in the Scandinavia, East Prussia and other countries of the Baltic Sea Region. By showing that this method was used for the production of the Russian decorative double-weave fabrics, these fabrics are paralleled with several double weave fabrics from other countries, where they are rightly considered to be textile masterworks with regard to their technical and artistic level. At present the Finnweave weaving method is taught at the universities and textile centers in Sweden, USA and other countries. Only recently and for the first time in Russia our students of the faculty of arts specializing in the decorative and applied arts have had the opportunity to study this complex weaving method. The article also presents some of our students’ works that were produced with the Finnweave method. In the teaching process we use the scheme for the creation and elaboration of the decorations that was developed by us on the basis of our study of the Russian decorative fabrics.


Russian decorative double-weave fabrics, Finnweave


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Author Biographies

Natalia G. Koltysheva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of arts

Valery A. Mariev, Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg

Scientific Researcher



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How to Cite

Koltysheva, N. G. ., & Mariev, V. A. . (2014). The Finnweave weaving method in Russian decorative double-weave fabrics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(4), 140–150. Retrieved from



Decorative and applied arts