Peculiarities of using choral and fuge in the organ sonata Op. 65 N 6 d-moll by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy


  • Ekaterina I. Porizko Saint Petersburg State University; Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of Saint Petersburg


This article is devoted to the analysis of some peculiarities of using choral and fugue in the organ sonata Op. 65 N 6 d-moll by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. The aim of this work is to investigate the interaction of choral and fugue in this sonata. The proper analysis of the sonata allowed us to find interrelations between such genres as choral and fugue in sonata of the 19th century.


Mendelssohn, organ, sonata, fugue, chorale, variations


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Author Biography

Ekaterina I. Porizko, Saint Petersburg State University; Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of Saint Petersburg

student of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University; teacher at the Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg



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1. Bochkova T. Feliks Mendel'son-Bartol'di. Iz istorii mirovoi organnoi kul'tury XVI– XX vekov. Moscow, OOO "Muzizdat" Publ., 2008, pp. 465–478. (In Russian)

2. Protopopov Vl. Polifoniia R. Shumana i F. Mendel'sona. Istoriia polifonii v ee vazhneishikh iavleniiakh. Zapadnoevropeiskaia klassika VIII–XIX vv. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1965, pp. 340–360. (In Russian)

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7. Vorbs G. Kh. Mendel'son-Bartol'di. Zhizn' i deiatel'nost' v svete sobstvennykh vyskazyvanii i soobshchenii sovremennikov. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1966. 320 p. (In Russian)

8. Schmidt C. M. (translated Rodger Clement). Preface. Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Organ works. Vol. I. Wiesbaden; Leipzig; Paris, Breitkopf & Härtel, 2005, pp. I–XI.

9. Sposobin I. V. Muzykal'naia forma: uchebnik. 7th ed. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1984. 400 p. (In Russian)

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13. Marshall R. L. Chorale variations. The new Grove Dictionary of music and musicians. Ed. by J. A. Fuller Maitland. Vol. 4. Washington, 1995, pp. 338–339.

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16. Ridgway T. C. Mendelssohn’s organ sonatas: a few suggestions for their preparation and performance. The Music Times, London, 1934, January, pp. 60–62; February, pp. 154–155.

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18. A compleate dictionary of music. Translated from original French of J. J. Rosseau by William Waring. 2nd ed. London, J. Murray, 1779, 471 p.

19. Owen B. The organ music of Johannes Brahms. Oxford, University Press, 2007. 184 p.

20. Gillespie J. Five centuries of keyboard music. New York, Dover publication. 464 p.

21. Grassineau’s musical dictionary: with an appendix from the Dictionnaire Musique M. Rosseau. London, Robson bookfeller, 1769, 379 p.

22. Hathaway J. W. G. An analysis of Mendelssohn`s organ work a study of their structural features. London, Wm Reeves 83, 1898. 190 p.

23. Bark Lancelot G. The new edition of Mendelssohn’s Op. 65. The Music Times, 1935, May, pp. 438–439.

24. Little Wm. A. F. Mendelssohn and his place in the organ world of his Time. The Mendelssohns: Their Music in history. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 291–302.

25. Liturgy and music. Ed. by Leaver Robin A., Zimmerman Joyce Ann. Collegeville, Minnesota, The Liturgical Press, 1998, 456 p.

26. Organ technique. Modern and Early. Authors George H. Ritchie, George B. Stauffer. New York; Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000. 382 p.

27. Westermeyer P. Te deum. The Church and music. Minneapolis, Fortpress, 1998. 412 p.

28. Summer W. L. 8th Music Book including “The Organ of Bach” “Gottfried Silbermann, Organ Builder”. London; New York, Hinrichen edition limited, Bach House, 1956. 370 p.

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33. Liturgicheskii sbornik. Comp. and ed. by F. P. Tulynin. St Petersburg, 2005, 348 p. (In Russian)

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35. Uilson-Dikson E. Istoriia khristianskoi muzyki. St Petersburg, Mirt, 2001. 428 p.

36. Shveitser A. Nemetskoe i frantsuzskoe organostroitel'stvo i organnoe iskusstvo. Moscow, Izdatel'skii dom «Kompozitor», 2007. 70 p. (In Russian)

37. Shuman R. O muzyke i muzykantakh: sobr. st. Vol. 2 B. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1978. 278 p.



How to Cite

Porizko, E. I. (2011). Peculiarities of using choral and fuge in the organ sonata Op. 65 N 6 d-moll by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(1), 32–40. Retrieved from


