Development Stages of Graphic Design in the Arab World




The article identifies the graphic design periodization criteria and its development stages in the Arab countries. It is noted that the initial development stage of graphic design aligns with design history in general. The allocation of graphic art as an independent professional domain can be considered to be a specific characteristic of the protodesign period (8th–19th centuries). Certain specific elements of the Islamic decorative canon developed, particularly calligraphy, geometric patterns, and vegetal arabesques, and professional artists and calligraphers appeared during this stage. The second stage of graphic design development in the Arab countries is characterized by the period of colonial dependence and priority of the European cultural tradition (19th — first half of 20th century). This was connected with the establishment of applied graphic arts as an independent art form — book and advertisement design (pictorial signboards, political advertisements, posters, and event posters), bank note design, typographic letterheads, postal graphics, etc. This form of graphic design is connected with cultural borrowing and the lack of national traditions and professionals in the sphere of graphic design. The third stage goes back to the visual language of geometric patterns, arabesques and Arabic calligraphy as an all-Arab visual heritage. It marked the establishment of printing offices and printing schools, changes in aesthetics of the printing industry due to production computerization, the introduction of a graphic designer occupation, and similar major programs in Arabic universities.


graphic design, design history, Arab countries, Arabic calligraphy, arabesque, graphic ornament


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Author Biographies

Karam N. Sabour, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Postgraduate of the Department of History and Theory of Design and Media Communications

Marina E. Vilchinskaya-Butenko, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the Department of History and Theory of Design and Media Communications



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How to Cite

Sabour, K. N. ., & Vilchinskaya-Butenko, M. E. . (2019). Development Stages of Graphic Design in the Arab World. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 9(3), 590–603.


