G. A. Tovstonogov`s view on co-creation between director and actor


  • Mikhail V. Smirnov Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy


The article is devoted to the problem of creative collaboration between a director and an actor on the example of theatre and pedagogical practice by G. A. Tovstonogov, following major principles of the methodology by Tovstonogov being considered: active play and role analysis, novel of life, improvisation in rehearsal process. The research resulted in revealing G. A. Tovstonogov’s requirements for a director and actors and the main periods of performance creation.


the art of theatre, theatrical methodology, the art of the director, the art of the actor, creative method by Tovstonogov, co-creation of a director and an actor, rehearsal process, improvisation


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Author Biography

Mikhail V. Smirnov, Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy

postgraduate at the Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy, director, actor of the State Drama Theatre on Vasilevsky



1. Георгий Товстоногов. Собирательный портрет. Воспоминания. Публикации. Письма. СПб.: Балтийские сезоны. Издатель Е. С. Алексеева, 2006. 528 с.

2. Георгий Товстоногов репетирует и учит / лит. зап. С. М. Лосева. СПб.: Балтийские сезоны, 2007. 608 с.

3. Малочевская И. Б. Режиссерская школа Товстоногова. СПб.: СПбГАТИ, 2003. 160 с.

4. Товстоногов Г. А. Беседы с коллегами: попытка осмысления режиссерского опыта. М.: СТД РСФСР, 1988. 528 с.

5. Товстоногов Г. А. О профессии режиссера. М.: ВТО РСФСР, 1965. 355 с.


1. Georgii Tovstonogov. Sobiratel'nyi portret. Vospominaniia. Publikatsii. Pis'ma. St Petersburg, Baltiiskie sezony. Izdatel' E. S. Alekseeva, 2006. 528 p. (In Russian)

2. Georgii Tovstonogov repetiruet i uchit. Written by S. M. Losev. St Petersburg, Baltiiskie sezony Publ., 2007. 608 p. (In Russian)

3. Malochevskaia I. B. Rezhisserskaia shkola Tovstonogova. St Petersburg, SPbGATI Press, 2003. 160 p. (In Russian)

4. Tovstonogov G. A. Besedy s kollegami: popytka osmysleniia rezhisserskogo opyta. Moscow, STD RSFSR Publ., 1988. 528 p. (In Russian)

5. Tovstonogov G. A. O professii rezhissera. Moscow, VTO RSFSR Publ., 1965. 355 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Smirnov, M. V. . (2011). G. A. Tovstonogov`s view on co-creation between director and actor. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(3), 72–89. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/805


