Composer — performer — score: paradoxes in Romantic performing art


  • Vladimir P. Tchinaev Moscow State Conservatory


The article analyzes European piano culture in the 19th century. Based on the aesthetic views of Hegel and Wagner and the creative concepts developed by Liszt, Schuman, Anton Rubinstein and their contemporaries, it examines the phenomenon of “co-authorship” and its relation to scores and interpretation in the Romantic period. The complex interaction of performers’ freedom and their faithfulness to composers’ intentions, artistic spontaneity and stylistic authenticity, subjectivity and objectivity is regarded as paradoxes of Romantic art. Having a historical background, these paradoxes predetermine the future evolution of musical consciousness.


performing art, romantic pianism, musical interpretation, piano history


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Author Biography

Vladimir P. Tchinaev, Moscow State Conservatory

Dr. Habil., Professor, Director of the Division of History and Theory of Performance Art



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2. Музыкальная эстетика Германии XIX века: в 2 т. М., 1983. Т. 2. 432 с.

3. Мильштейн Я. И. Ф. Лист: в 2 т. М., 1971. Т. 2. 599 с.

4. Баренбойм Л. Антон Григорьевич Рубинштейн: в 2 т. Л., 1962. Т. 2. 576 с.

5. Ландовска В. О музыке. М., 1991. 438 с.

6. Пфейфер Т. Лекции Ганса Бюлова. М., 1895. 114 с.

7. Schonberg H. The Great Pianists from Mozart to the Present. New York, 1963. 448 p.

8. Molsen V. Die Geschichte des Klavierspiels in historisches Zitaten. Balingen-Endingen, 1982. 192 S.

9. Шуман Р. О музыке и музыкантах: cобр. ст.: в 2 т. М., 1978. Т. II-a. 327 с.

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11. Рубинштейн А. Г. Литературное наследие: в 3 т. М., 1983. Т. 1. Статьи. Книги. Докладные записки. Речи. 214 с.

12. Литературная теория немецкого романтизма. Л., 1934. 334 c.

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14. Музыкальная эстетика Франции XIX века. М., 1974. 328 с.

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1. Muzykal'naia estetika Germanii XIX veka. 2 vols. Moscow, 1981, vol. 1. 415 p. (In Russian)

2. Muzykal'naia estetika Germanii XIX veka. 2 vols. Moscow, 1983, vol. 2. 432 p. (In Russian)

3. Mil'shtein Ia. I. F. List. 2 vols. Moscow, 1971, vol. 2. 599 p. (In Russian)

4. Barenboim L. Anton Grigor'evich Rubinshtein. 2 vols. Leningrad, 1962, vol. 2. 576 p. (In Russian)

5. Landovska V. O muzyke. Moscow, 1991. 438 p. (In Russian)

6. Pfeifer T. Lektsii Gansa Biulova. Moscow, 1895. 114 p. (In Russian)

7. Schonberg H. The Great Pianists from Mozart to the Present. New York, 1963. 448 p.

8. Molsen V. Die Geschichte des Klavierspiels in historisches Zitaten. Balingen-Endingen, 1982. 192 S.

9. Shuman R. O muzyke i muzykantakh: sobr. st. 2 vols. Moscow, 1978, vol. II-a. 327 p. (In Russian)

10. Mil'shtein Ia. I. F. List. 2 vols. Moscow, 1971, vol. 1. 863 p. (In Russian)

11. Rubinshtein A. G. Literaturnoe nasledie. 3 vols. Moscow, 1983, vol. 1. Stat'i. Knigi. Dokladnye zapiski. Rechi. 214 p. (In Russian)

12. Literaturnaia teoriia nemetskogo romantizma. Leningrad, 1934. 334 p. (In Russian)

13. Shuman R. O muzyke i muzykantakh: sobr. st. 2 vols. Moscow, 1979, vol. II-b. 294 p. (In Russian)

14. Muzykal'naia estetika Frantsii XIX veka. Moscow, 1974. 328 p. (In Russian)

15. Vagner R. Izbrannye raboty. Moscow, 1978. 695 p. (In Russian)

16. Pamiatniki mirovoi esteticheskoi mysli. 5 vols. Moscow, 1967. vol. 3. 1006 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Tchinaev, V. P. (2011). Composer — performer — score: paradoxes in Romantic performing art. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(4), 59–71. Retrieved from


