M. Tariverdiyev’s cinematography of 1960s: break through "the future of the sound film"


  • Natalia V. Pintverene Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov


In the article “The Future of the sound film” (1928) S. Eisenshtein theoretically outlined the ways of development of the national cinema, established the method of the “contrapuntal construction of the “sound film” which is characterized by discordance of the sound and the visual images. M. Tariverdiyev  was one of the first who had realized its artistic signifi cance. Building on this assumption, he had developed the system of structural principles of musical screenwriting. The method of sound-visual counterpoint became one of the key and elaborated methods in general musical conception of the film and was defined by the composer as “polyphony”. In this article the results of the musical analysis of the selected films and the proofs of the above theses are presented.


sound-visual counterpoint, polyphony, the third direction


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Author Biography

Natalia V. Pintverene, Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov




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How to Cite

Pintverene, N. V. (2011). M. Tariverdiyev’s cinematography of 1960s: break through "the future of the sound film". Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(4), 88–96. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1000


