Youri Boutsko’s “Second Great Organ notebook” (2010): a “Swan Song”


  • Marina N. Tchebourkina Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris I), 12, Panthéon Square, Paris, 75231, France



The article is devoted to analysis of the “Second Great Organ notebook” written in 2010 by the great Russian composer Youri Boutsko (1938–2015). The author, who has a double role of musicologist and concert organist to whom this “Second Great Organ notebook” was dedicated, presents its complete analysis (conception and images, harmony and musical form), completed by her personal impressions and recollections. Refs 6. Figs 7.


Youri Boutsko, organ, “Second Great Organ notebook”, Russian organ music


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Tchebourkina M. Youri Boutsko, Grand cahier d’Orgue // Youri Boutsko. Grand cahier d’Orgue: Livret CD. Paris: Natives / CDNAT11, 2010. P. 17–28.

Youri Boutsko. Deuxième Grand cahier d’Orgue: Images russes, Tableaux, Légendes, Histoires véridiques et invraisemblables / Marina Tchebourkina aux Grandes Orgues de l’église Saint-Martin de Dudelange, Luxembourg. Paris: Natives / CDNAT16, 2016. Запись на CD.

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Мессиан О. Техника моего музыкального языка / пер. и коммент. М. Н. Чебуркиной. М., 1995. 128 с.


Tchebourkina M. Youri Boutsko, Grand cahier d’Orgue. Youri Boutsko. Grand cahier d’Orgue: Livret CD. Paris, Natives / CDNAT11, 2010, pp. 17–28.

Youri Boutsko. Deuxième Grand cahier d’Orgue : Images russes, Tableaux, Légendes, Histoires véridiques et invraisemblables / Marina Tchebourkina aux Grandes Orgues de l’église Saint-Martin de Dudelange, Luxembourg. [Youri Boutsko, Second Great Organ Notebook: Russian Images, Pictures, Legends, True and Unbelievable Stories]. Paris, Natives / CDNAT16, 2016. Zapis’ na CD.

Butsko Iu. M. Vtoraia Bol’shaia organnaia tetrad’: russkie obrazy, kartiny, skazaniia, byli i nebylitsy [Second Great Organ Notebook: Russian Images, Pictures, Legends, True and Unbelievable Stories. Manuscript]. Moscow, 2016. 100 p. (In Russian)

Butsko Iu. M. Vtoraia Bol’shaia Organnaia tetrad’: Russkie Obrazy, Kartiny, Skazaniia, Byli i Nebylitsy. Rukopis’ [Polyphonic Concert. Nineteen contrepoints for four keyboard instruments, choir and percussions. Score]. Mai-iiun’ 2010. 141 l. (In Russian)

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How to Cite

Tchebourkina, M. N. . (2017). Youri Boutsko’s “Second Great Organ notebook” (2010): a “Swan Song”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 7(3), 304–321.


