Art Magazines of the Era of the Formation of Postmodernism (The Second Half of the 1970s): The Problem of Influence on the Processes in Art. “October”




This article examines the influence of art magazines on processes in art of the twentieth century — and the possibility of constructing a typology of periodicals based on this principle. General characteristics of the “magazine of influence” are based on the material of the second half of the twentieth century. The model of this type of periodical is considered on the example of Artforum, the most authoritative magazine of the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, whose experience (positive and negative) was used to form the editorial policy of October. From the history of October, the main periodical on contemporary art of the last four decades, the early stage (when its influence was maximum) was selected. The formation of the journal is examined from different points of view. The first point is the art and art history methodologies of the 1960s and the legacy of Artforum associated with the name Rosalind Krauss. The second point, presented by Annette Michelson, refers to the semiotics of French theory and the problem of the “political.” The third subject is built around Douglas Crimp and his curatorial project, the “Pictures” exhibition: this is the newest art (postmodernism of the second half of the 1970s, its specificity, its connection with the “photographic” and postmedial nature of this “photographic”) and the methodology of its analysis. The combination of new art with a journal of a new type (creating an apparatus for its methodological description) creates a situation that allows us to speak about the beginning of a new era, the era of postmodernism, a specific version of conceptual art, where the border between art itself and its critical and theoretical interpretation almost disappears.


magazine of influence, postmodernism, Artforum, October, Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp, Pictures


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Author Biography

Alexey A. Bobrikov, Saint Petersburg State University; Russian Institute of Art History

PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher



1. Allen, Jamie M. “‘October’ Culture: Photographic Theory and the Beginnings of Postmodernism”. Master of Arts Thesis, Ryerson University, 2006.

2. Bowman, Matthew. “‘October’’s Postmodernism”. Visual Resources: A Journal of Documentation 31, no. 1–2 (2015): 117–26.

3. Müller, Pablo. “Shaping the Avant-Garde: The Reception of Soviet Constructivism by the American Art Journal ‘October’”. In The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures, ed. by Aga Skrodzka, Xiaoning Lu and Katarzyna Marciniak. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

4. Muir, Peter E. David. “Against the Will to Silence: An Intellectual History of the American Art Journal ‘October’ between 1976 and 1981”. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2003.

5. Kimball, Roger. “The ‘October’ Syndrome. On October: The First Decade edited by Annette Michelson, Rosalind Krauss, et al.”. The New Criterion 7, no. 2 (1988): 5–15.

6. Kimball, Roger. “Feeling Sorry for Rosalind Krauss. On Krauss’s Book The Optical Unconscious”. The New Criterion 11, no. 9 (1993): 4–8.

7. Fry, Roger E. “The Last Phase of Impressionism”. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 12, no. 60 (1908): 374–6.

8. Shapiro, Meyer. “Nature of Abstract Art”. Marxist Quarterly 1, no. 1 (1937): 77–98.

9. Phillpot, Clive. “Art Magazines and Magazine Art”. Artforum 18, no. 6 (1980): 52–4.

10. Barr, Alfred Jr. Cubism and Abstract Art. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1936.

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13. Alloway, Lawrence. “Network: The Art World Described as a System”. Artforum 11, no. 1 (1972): 28–32.

14. Allen, Gwen. Artists’ Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2011.

15. Kramer, Hilton, “Muddled Marxism Replaces Criticism at ‘Artforum’”, New York Times, January 4, 1976.

16. Krauss, Rosalind. “A View of Modernism”. Artforum 11, no. 1 (1972): 48–51.

17. Krauss, Rosalind. “Preface”. In Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, ed. by Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey, 9–11. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2003.

18. Krauss, Rosalind. “Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism”. October 1 (1976): 50–64.

19. Krauss, Rosalind. “Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America. Part 1”. October 3 (1977): 68–81.

20. Krauss, Rosalind. “Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America. Part 2”. October 4 (1977): 58–67.

21. Turvey, Malcolm. “Introduction”. In Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, ed. by Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey, 13–34. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2003.

22. “About October”. October 1 (1976): 3–5.

23. Crimp, Douglas. Before Pictures. New York: Dancing Foxes Press; Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.

24. Кримп, Даглас. На руинах музея. Пер. Иван Аксенов и Карен Саркисов. М.: V–A–C Press, 2015.

25. Crimp, Douglas. “Pictures”. October 8 (1979): 75–88.

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I. Katalin, Timar. “October and Semiotics”. PhD diss., University of Pécs, 2010. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

II. Leclère, Mary. “Amy Newman. Challenging Art: ‘Artforum’ 1962–1974”. caa. reviews. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021. .YGHIip0zaUk.

III. Kramer, Hilton. “Reflections on the History of ‘Partisan Review’. On A Partisan Century: Political Writings from Partisan Review edited by Edith Kurzweil”. The New Criterion. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

IV. Perreault, John. “The Artforum Moment”. Artopia. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

V. Foster, Hal. “Art Agonistes”. New Left Review. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

VI. McCormick, Carlo. “‘Artforum’s Hope of History”. artnet. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.*.

VII. “Eric Banks on Lawrence Alloway’s ‘Network: The Art World Described as a System’”. Artforum. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

VIII. Greenberger, Alex. “Annette Michelson, Pioneering Film Critic and Cofounder of ‘October’, Dies at 95”. ARTnews. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

IX. Ratcliff, Carter. “The Fate of a Gesture: Lynda Benglis”. artnet. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

X. Miller, M. H. “The Shape-Shifter: How Lynda Benglis Left the Bayou and Messed With the Establishment. ARTnews. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XI. McLemee, Scott. “Back to Methuselah”. Inside Higher Ed. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XII. “October”. Contemporary Culture Index. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XIII. Michelson, Annette. “Art and the Structuralist Perspective.” Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XIV. “Искусство после СПИДа: Даглас Кримп о художественной критике, музеях и квир-активизме”. Theory&Practice. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XV. Singerman, Howard. “The Myth of Criticism in the 1980s”. X-TRA. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XVI. Crimp, Douglas. “Pictures”. X-TRA. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XVII. Yablonsky, Linda. “Photo Play: The Story of the ‘Pictures Generation’”. Art in America. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XVIII. Sartoris, Gabriele. “Douglas Crimp and the 1977 Pictures Exhibition”. Athwart. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XIX. Оуэнс, Крейг. “Аллегорический импульс: к теории постмодернизма. Часть 1”. Сигма. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XX. Фостер, Хэл. “Архивный импульс”. Художественный журнал. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.

XXI. Wetzler, Rachel. “Being a Good Critic in a Bad World: Hal Foster and the Avant-Garde”. ARTnews. Дата обращения: апрель 11, 2021.


1. Allen, Jamie M. “‘October’ Culture: Photographic Theory and the Beginnings of Postmodernism”. Master of Arts Thesis, Ryerson University, 2006.

2. Bowman, Matthew. “‘October’’s Postmodernism”. Visual Resources: A Journal of Documentation 31, no. 1–2 (2015): 117–26.

3. Müller, Pablo. “Shaping the Avant-Garde: The Reception of Soviet Constructivism by the American Art Journal ‘October’”. In The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures, ed. by Aga Skrodzka, Xiaoning Lu and Katarzyna Marciniak. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

4. Muir, Peter E. David. “Against the Will to Silence: An Intellectual History of the American Art Journal ‘October’ between 1976 and 1981”. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2003.

5. Kimball, Roger. “The ‘October’ Syndrome. On October: The First Decade edited by Annette Michelson, Rosalind Krauss, et al.”. The New Criterion 7, no. 2 (1988): 5–15.

6. Kimball, Roger. “Feeling Sorry for Rosalind Krauss. On Krauss’s Book The Optical Unconscious”. The New Criterion 11, no. 9 (1993): 4–8.

7. Fry, Roger E. “The Last Phase of Impressionism”. The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs 12, no. 60 (1908): 374–6.

8. Shapiro, Meyer. “Nature of Abstract Art”. Marxist Quarterly 1, no. 1 (1937): 77–98.

9. Phillpot, Clive. “Art Magazines and Magazine Art”. Artforum 18, no. 6 (1980): 52–4.

10. Barr, Alfred Jr. Cubism and Abstract Art. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1936.

11. Greenberg, Clement. “Towards a Newer Laocoon”. Rus. ed. Transl. by Inna Kushnareva. Logos 25, no. 4 (2015): 75–92. (In Russian)

12. Thornton, Sara. Seven Days in the Art World. Rus. ed. Transl. by Anna Obradovich. St Petersburg: Azbuka Publ.; Azbuka-Attikus Publ., 2014. (In Russian)

13. Alloway, Lawrence. “Network: The Art World Described as a System”. Artforum 11, no. 1 (1972): 28–32.

14. Allen, Gwen. Artists’ Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2011.

15. Kramer, Hilton, “Muddled Marxism Replaces Criticism at ‘Artforum’”, New York Times, January 04, 1976.

16. Krauss, Rosalind. “A View of Modernism”. Artforum 11, no. 1 (1972): 48–51.

17. Krauss, Rosalind. “Preface”. In Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, ed. by Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey, 9–11. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2003.

18. Krauss, Rosalind. “Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism”. October 1 (1976): 50–64.

19. Krauss, Rosalind. “Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America. Part 1”. October 3 (1977): 68–81.

20. Krauss, Rosalind. “Notes on the Index: Seventies Art in America. Part 2”. October 4 (1977): 58–67.

21. Turvey, Malcolm. “Introduction”. In Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor of Annette Michelson, ed. by Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey, 13–34. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2003.

22. “About October”. October 1 (1976): 3–5.

23. Crimp, Douglas. Before Pictures. New York: Dancing Foxes Press; Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.

24. Crimp, Douglas. On the Museum’s Ruins. Rus. ed. Transl. by Ivan Aksenov and Karen Sarkisov. Moscow: V–A–C Press, 2015. (In Russian)

25. Crimp, Douglas. “Pictures”. October 8 (1979): 75–88.

26. Owens, Craig. “The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism”. Rus. ed. Transl. by A. Garadzhi. In Gendernaia teoriia i iskusstvo: antologiia, 1970–2000, ed. by L. Bredikhina, K. Dipuell, 294–321. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2005. (Gendernaia kollektsiia — zarubezhnaia klassika). (In Russian)

27. Foster, H., R. E. Krauss, Y.-A. Bois, B. Buchloh, and D. Joselit. Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. Rus. ed. Transl. by Georgii Abdushelishvili et al., ed. by Andrey Fomenko and Aleksey Shestakov. Moscow: Ad Marginem Publ., 2015. (In Russian)


I. Katalin, Timar. “October and Semiotics”. PhD diss., University of Pécs, 2010. Accessed April 11, 2021.

II. Leclère, Mary. “Amy Newman. Challenging Art: ‘Artforum’ 1962–1974”. caa. reviews. Accessed April 11, 2021.

III. Kramer, Hilton. “Reflections on the History of ‘Partisan Review’. On A Partisan Century: Political Writings from Partisan Review edited by Edith Kurzweil”. The New Criterion. Accessed April 11, 2021.

IV. Perreault, John. “The Artforum Moment”. Artopia. Accessed April 11, 2021.*.

V. Foster, Hal. “Art Agonistes”. New Left Review. Accessed April 11, 2021.

VI. McCormick, Carlo. “‘Artforum’s Hope of History”. artnet. Accessed April 11, 2021.

VII. Banks, Eric. “Eric Banks on Lawrence Alloway’s ‘Network: The Art World Described as a System’”. Artforum. Accessed April 11, 2021.

VIII. Greenberger, Alex. “Annette Michelson, Pioneering Film Critic and Cofounder of ‘October’, Dies at 95”. ARTnews. Accessed April 11, 2021.

IX. Ratcliff, Carter. “The Fate of a Gesture: Lynda Benglis”. artnet. Accessed April 11, 2021.

X. Miller, M. H. “The Shape-Shifter: How Lynda Benglis Left the Bayou and Messed With the Establishment. ARTnews. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XI. McLemee, Scott. “Back to Methuselah”. Inside Higher Ed. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XII. “October”. Contemporary Culture Index. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XIII. Michelson, Annette. “Art and the Structuralist Perspective.” Accessed April 11, 2021.

XIV. “Art after AIDS: Douglas Crimp on Art Criticism, Museums and Queer Activism”. Theory&Practice. Accessed April 11, 2021. (In Russian)

XV. Singerman, Howard. “The Myth of Criticism in the 1980s”. X-TRA. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XVI. Crimp, Douglas. “Pictures”. X-TRA. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XVII. Yablonsky, Linda. “Photo Play: The Story of the ‘Pictures Generation’”. Art in America. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XVIII. Sartoris, Gabriele. “Douglas Crimp and the 1977 Pictures Exhibition”. Athwart. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XIX. Owens, Craig. “The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism. Part 1”. Sigma. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XX. Foster, Hal. “An Archival Impulse”. Khudozhestvennyi zhurnal. Accessed April 11, 2021.

XXI. Wetzler, Rachel. “Being a Good Critic in a Bad World: Hal Foster and the Avant-Garde”. ARTnews. Accessed April 11, 2021.



How to Cite

Bobrikov, A. A. (2022). Art Magazines of the Era of the Formation of Postmodernism (The Second Half of the 1970s): The Problem of Influence on the Processes in Art. “October”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 12(1), 90–122.



Visual arts