3D reconstruction of Cimmerian Bosporus painted crypts


  • Nikolay V. Borisov Saint Petersburg State University
  • Yuri A. Vinogradov Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Elena V. Logdacheva Saint Petersburg State University
  • Sergey V. Shvemberger Saint Petersburg State University


The authors present 3d reconstructions of the painted tombs of Bosporus Kingdom, a state, which existed in the North Black Sea area in 6th century B. C. — 5th century A. D . Crypts were found and investigated by Russian historians in second half of 19th — beginning of 20th century. Reconstructions are executed on the basis of the archive materials, which are stored in the Institute of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences in St.-Petersburg. The crypts were lost because of political events at the beginning of 20th century. Of special interest among available material, on basis of which the computer reconstruction was conducted, are the aquarelles and gouaches of Russian artists of 19th — 20th centuries. The computer reconstructions of crypts are executed with the aid of the application 3Ds Max. For further information on the visual materials of Cimmerian Bosporus Painted Crypts project you can visit the project’s site www.bosporuscrypt.ru/ (in Russian) and the site www.3DM ultimediaLab.com


history, archeology, art history, history of religion, military history, the history of Ancient Greece and Rome, the Northern Black Sea coast, the Bosporan kingdom, painted crypts, 3D graphics, three-dimensional computer reconstructions, animation, information technologies


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Author Biographies

Nikolay V. Borisov, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Director of the Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities of the Faculty of Arts

Yuri A. Vinogradov, Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Habil., Director of the Department of History of Ancient Culture

Elena V. Logdacheva, Saint Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities of the Faculty of Arts

Sergey V. Shvemberger, Saint Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems in Arts and Humanities of the Faculty of Arts


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How to Cite

Borisov, N. V. ., Vinogradov, Y. A., Logdacheva, E. V., & Shvemberger, S. V. . (2012). 3D reconstruction of Cimmerian Bosporus painted crypts. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 144–154. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1428



Interdisciplinary studies