The common album on Great Britain by J. A. Atkinson and J. Walker


  • Ekaterina A. Skvortsova Saint Petersburg State University


The uniqueness of the album on Great Britain (1807) by J. A. Atkinson and J. Walker is defined in comparison with a publication about Russia by the same authors. In their work on Britain they use the structure (“illustration-explanation” format, haphazard sequence of plates) and means (motivethinking, typification) which are characteristic for ethnographic albums. However emotional tone of the comments and analytical approach are not typical for this genre. They arise out of the attitude of Walker to Britain: he is not an indifferent observer, but an ardent patriot. He considers the unrivalled degree of civilization reached by Britain as its essential feature. The same idea is implicitly reflected in Atkinson’s illustrations.


ethnographic albums, genre painting, Russian-English artistic links, theory of “picturesque”


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Author Biography

Ekaterina A. Skvortsova, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate of the Department of History of Russian Art of the Faculty of History


Источники и литература

1. Hardie M. Watercolour Painting in Britain: in 3 vols. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971. Vol. III. The Victorian Period. 398 p.

2. Pyne W. H. The Costume of Great Britain. London: William Miller, 1808. 75 p.

3. Atkinson J. A., Walker J. A Picturesque Representation of the Naval, Military and Miscellaneous Costumes of Great Britain, in thirty-three Coloured Plates, with a Descriptive Essay of Each Plate in English and French. London: Miller, 1807. 33 ill. 36 p., 36 ill.

4. Войтенко М. В. Предромантизм в английском пейзажном искусстве второй половины XVIII века: автореф. дис. … канд. иск. / Петерб. гос. акад. ин-т живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры им. И. Е. Репина Рос. акад. художеств. СПб., 2002. 30 с.

5. The Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of engravings; with description in English and French. London: William Bulmer and Co, 1804. 132 p.

6. Mason G. H. The costume of China, illus. by 60 engravings: with explanations in English and French. London: William Bulmer and Co, 1800. 134 p.

7. Solvyns B. The costume of Hindostan elucidated by 60 coloured engravings; with descriptions in English and French, taken in the years 1798 and 1799. London: Edward Orme: J. Hayes, 1807. 132 p.

8. Власов В. Г. Новый энциклопедический словарь изобразительного искусства: в 10 т. СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2005. Т. 3. 744 с.

9. Smiles S. Eye witness: artists and visual documentation in Britain 1770–1830. Aldershot: Ashgate Pub., 2000. 216 p.


1. Hardie M. Watercolour Painting in Britain. 3 vols. London, B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971, vol. III. The Victorian Period. 398 p.

2. Pyne W. H. The Costume of Great Britain. London, William Miller, 1808. 75 p.

3. Atkinson J. A., Walker J. A Picturesque Representation of the Naval, Military and Miscellaneous Costumes of Great Britain, in thirty-three Coloured Plates, with a Descriptive Essay of Each Plate in English and French. London, Miller, 1807. 33 ill. 36 p., 36 ill.

4. Voitenko M. V. Predromantizm v angliiskom peizazhnom iskusstve vtoroi poloviny XVIII veka: avtoref. dis. … kand. isk. Peterb. gos. akad. in-t zhivopisi, skul'ptury i arkhitektury im. I. E. Repina Ros. akad. khudozhestv. St. Petersburg, 2002. 30 p. (In Russian)

5. The Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of engravings; with description in English and French. London, William Bulmer and Co, 1804. 132 p.

6. Mason G. H. The costume of China, illus. by 60 engravings: with explanations in English and French. London, William Bulmer and Co, 1800. 134 p.

7. Solvyns B. The costume of Hindostan elucidated by 60 coloured engravings; with descriptions in English and French, taken in the years 1798 and 1799. London, Edward Orme, J. Hayes, 1807. 132 p.

8. Vlasov V. G. Novyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar' izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva. 10 vols. St. Petersburg, Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2005, vol. 3. 744 p. (In Russian)

9. Smiles S. Eye witness: artists and visual documentation in Britain 1770–1830. Aldershot, Ashgate Publ., 2000. 216 p.



How to Cite

Skvortsova, E. A. . (2012). The common album on Great Britain by J. A. Atkinson and J. Walker. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(2), 191–197. Retrieved from



Visual arts