On the art of time measurement


  • Leonid D. Raigorodski Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum


The article speculates on the formation of two notions: time and eternity. Repetitive actions such as sunrise and sunset, sea tides gave the mankind an idea of measuring time. That was how the arithmetization of time began. First instruments of time measurement came to existence — sundial and water glass (clepsydra). The article puts special emphasis on the main event in the history of human culture — an invention of a mechanical clock and origin of a new remarkable variety of applied art — the art of horology.


time, eternity, time measurement, mechanical clocks, watches, horology


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Author Biography

Leonid D. Raigorodski, Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University; Senior Researcher at the State Hermitage Museum; artist-restorer of the high category



1. Данте Алигьери. Божественная комедия / пер. М. Лозинского. М.: Наука, 1967. 627 с.

2. Боэций. «Утешение философией» и другие трактаты. М.: Наука, 1990. 413 с.

3. Аристотель. Соч.: в 4 т. М.: Мысль, 1981. Т. 3. 613 с.

4. Срезневский И. И. Материалы для словаря древнерусского языка: в 3 т. М.: Знак, 2003. Т. 1. 1419. 49 с.

5. Барг М. А. Эпохи и идеи: становление историзма. М.: Мысль, 1987. 354 с.

6. The Clockwork Universe. German Clocks and Automata 1550–1650 / ed. by K. Maurice, O. Mayr. New York: Neale Watson Academic Publication, 1980. 321 p.

7. Voltaire. Les Cabales. 1772 // Voltaire. Oeuvres completes. Vol. I–LII. Paris: Garnier frères, 1877. Vol. X. P. 182.

8. Михаль С. Часы. М.: Знание, 1983. 253 c.


1. Dante Alig'eri. Bozhestvennaia komediia. Transl. by M. Lozinskii. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1967. 627 p. (In Russian)

2. Boetsii. "Uteshenie filosofiei" i drugie traktaty. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1990. 413 p. (In Russian)

3. Aristotel'. Soch. 4 vols. Moscow, Mysl' Publ., 1981, vol. 3. 613 p. (In Russian)

4. Sreznevskii I. I. Materialy dlia slovaria drevnerusskogo iazyka. 3 vols. Moscow, Znak Publ., 2003, T. 1. 1419. 49 s.

5. Barg M. A. Epokhi i idei: stanovlenie istorizma. Moscow, Mysl' Publ., 1987. 354 p. (In Russian)

6. The Clockwork Universe. German Clocks and Automata 1550–1650. Ed. by K. Maurice, O. Mayr. New York, Neale Watson Academic Publication, 1980. 321 p.

7. Voltaire. Les Cabales. 1772. Voltaire. Oeuvres completes, vol. I–LII. Paris, Garnier frères, 1877, vol. X. P. 182.

8. Mikhal' S. Chasy. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1983. 253 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Raigorodski, L. D. . (2012). On the art of time measurement. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(4), 261–267. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1602



Decorative and applied arts