The concept of art paradigms in photographic art


  • Nadezhda N. Drozdova-Pichurina Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The article focuses on the concept of artistic paradigms in photography. The relevance of the theme is associated with the necessity to develop new criteria for evaluating photographs from various periods and concepts that will allow to combine different areas of researches in art history studying the art of photography. The study is based on the works of recognized scientists (G. G. Dadamyan, V. I. Tyupa, B. M. Bernstein and others). It defines the term “art paradigm of photography”, with the features that determine the artistic paradigm of photography being identified, and theoretical framework of artistic paradigms of photography, according to which the further typology is developed, being established. To reveal and collate distinguishing features of paradigms data, the author proposes to use the concept of historical typology of B. M. Bernstein. The proposed concept enables to reveal more wide range of issues of photography development, considering the historical, aesthetic, technical, artistic and ideological components. The author’s approach considerably differs from the previously proposed approaches of the art to photography and can serve as a methodological basis for the study of photography as an art form.


artistic paradigms in photographic art, photography, methodology


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Author Biography

Nadezhda N. Drozdova-Pichurina, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

postgraduate of the Department of art education and museum education of the Faculty of Fine Arts



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How to Cite

Drozdova-Pichurina, N. N. . (2013). The concept of art paradigms in photographic art. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 93–97. Retrieved from



Visual arts