Faience Art Item’s Stylistic Analysis in the Context of Its Complex Investigation (As Exemplified by a 19th Century Tureen)





Awareness of the importance of studying faience art industry of the 19th century reveals itself in the increasing researchers’ attention to this material. In this regard, a faience tureen with overglaze monochrome painting applied by transfer printing technique produced by the Creil factory (France) aroused interest. Stylistic analysis and the search for analogues allowed to confirm production place and time of the item, to assess its artistic merits, to identify the pictorial sources of its decoration, and to analyze features of transferring a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional ceramic surface using the transfer printing technique. Revealing the sources of pictorial decoration on ceramic objects is recognized as a valuable result of art history research, since the question of relationship between pictorial motifs on ceramic art items and contemporary graphics is not elaborated enough both in Russian and foreign art history. For the same reason, investigation on the issues of adapting a two-dimensional original image to a curved shape, i. e. of coordinating the shape and decoration of a ceramic item, are also valuable: these aspects are also presented extremely scarcely in art historical studies. Stylistic analysis is not sufficient very often for attributing ceramic art objects; therefore, other research methods such as archival heuristics and expertise using natural science methods are often involved for this purpose. Both archival documents and production casts and molds of the Creil factory have been lost. The shape and size of the object are difficult for instrumental study. Under such conditions, stylistic analysis turns out to be the leading method for studying items of the kind. Realizing all the limitations of this method, we demonstrate its capabilities where the use of others is significantly difficult or impossible.


stylistic analysis, pictorial analog, scientific description, cultural heritage object, artistic ceramic industry, fine faience, transfer printing, Creil manufacture


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12. Mirys, Silvestre David. Figures de l’histoire de la république romaine accompagné d’un précis historique ou Tableau philisophique et politique de l’origine des progress et de la decadence de la liberté chez les romains… [image fixe] d’apres les dessins de S. D. Mirys. Accessed December 12, 2022. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb403596314.

13. Colomban, Philippe, Burcu Kirmizi, and Gulsu Simsek Franci. “Cobalt and Associated Impurities in Blue (and Green) Glass, Glaze and Enamel: Relationships between Raw Materials, Processing, Composition, Phases and International Trade”. Minerals, no. 11 (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11060633

14. Edwards, Howell. 18th and 19th Century Porcelain Analysis. A Forensic Provenancing Assessment. Bradford: Springer, 2022.

15. Wainstein, D., V. Vakhrtushev, A. Kovalev, E. Konovalov, A. Mukhsinova, T. Shlykova. “Composition of Glaze Layer of the 18th Century Tiles”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, no. 1954 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1954/1/012050

16. Wainstein, D., T. Shlykova, V. Vakhrtushev, A. Kovalev, E. Konovalov, A. Volkov, U. Kologrieva, A. Mukhsinova, A. Leonidova, O. Stepanova, M. Shipova, M. Alikin. “Investigation of Microstructure and Composition of Glaze Layer of 18th Century Dutch Tiles in the Context of Conservation”. In InArt 2022: 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology (28th June — 1st July 2022, Paris), 103. Paris: [s. n.], 2022.

17. Wainstein, D., V. Vakhrtushev, A. Kovalev, E. Konovalov, A. Volkov, U. Kologrieva, A. Mukhsinova, T. Shlykova, A. Leonidova, M. Shipova. “Features of Microstructure and Composition of Glaze Layer of 18th Century Dutch Tiles Revealed by SEM, XRF, XPS, and TOF-SIMS”. AIP Conference Proceedings 2803, no. 1 (2023): 020004. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0143537

18. Kovalev, A., V. Vakhrushev, D. Wainstein, A. Rashkovsky, A. Tomchuk, S. Dmitrievskii, E. Konovalov, A. Mukhsinova, A. Volkov. “New Level of Development of Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy for Materials Science”. Metallurgist, no. 66 (2023): 1412–29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11015-023-01456-w

19. van Lookeren Campagne, Kate. “Eenverkeerde loop in’tvuur: An initial investigation into what Dutch archival sources can tell us about techniques and problems in the production of 17th and 18th century Dutch tin-glaze tiles”. In GlazeArch2015: International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Architectural Heritage. Accessed April 09, 2023. http://azulejos.lnec.pt/AzuRe/Glazearch2015/Communications/03%20Een%20verkeerde%20loop%20in%20het%20vuur.pdf.



How to Cite

Shlykova, T. V. (2024). Faience Art Item’s Stylistic Analysis in the Context of Its Complex Investigation (As Exemplified by a 19th Century Tureen). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 14(2), 436–448. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu15.2024.210



Decorative and applied arts