New materials on a activities of the workshop of Moscow Armory in second half of 17th century. On the history of the restoration of the shrine of Savva of Vishera




The article presents the results of the work on studying the monuments of the carved wood stored in the Russian museum. The author regards the history of the wooden shrine of St. Savva of Vishera. It analyzes documents on the restoration of the monument in the workshop of the Moscow Armory in second half of the 17th century. The shrine/reliquary of St. Savva was executed between 1571 and 1574 at the dictate of Ivan the Terrible. On the cover of the shrine was made the carved figure of a saint. In 1660 the church was destroyed and the shrine was damaged. In 1667 the shrine was sent to Moscow for restoration. On the basis of written sources the author of the article traced the production process in a Muscovite royal workshop. In article supplement there are documents from the archives of the Moscow Armory. Many of the archival documents are presented here for the first time.


Savva of Vishera, shrine, Moscow Armory, restoration


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Author Biography

Nadezhda V. Pivovarova, State Russian Museum

PhD, research assistant



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How to Cite

Pivovarova, N. V. . (2017). New materials on a activities of the workshop of Moscow Armory in second half of 17th century. On the history of the restoration of the shrine of Savva of Vishera. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(4), 16–35.



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