Return to Vladimir Mayakovsky (In the context of the teaching of elocution)


  • Elena V. Vanovskaya Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities


The article highlights not only the selection of educational material by students acting specialization, because this is one of the most important in the educational process of creative nature, which is the discipline of Stage speech in drama theatre and cinema and, in particular, the section “Working on literary and artistic works. Internal technique, verbal actions, but also arising in connection with approval of the teacher selected works. The article points to an emerging interest of youth to the early works of Mayakovsky and the problem of rethinking the value of the works of the great poet. The article discusses the phenomenon of personality and creative style masters of verse. Specific examples of the early poems and poems shows how to work with students at opening content” through a “transcript” of poetic imagery; as trails form the actor’s vision, attitudes and feelings; as a stylistic figures contribute to the expressiveness of speech; as features of prosody give the performance a special musicality; and how all this together clarifies performing tasks in conveying to the audience the author’s intent — “voices” of the great poet of the twentieth century. The article gives examples of the development of great Mayakovsky performers of the past century.


material selection, acting specialization, stage speech, works of Mayakovsky, problem statements, rethinking art, the phenomenon, opening content, vision, feeling, attitude, stylistic figures, especially of poetry, the musicality, the author’s intent, great performers


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Author Biography

Elena V. Vanovskaya, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities

associate professor, honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation, honored worker of higher professional education, member of the Union of Theatrical Figures



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3. Maiakovskii V. V. A vy mogli by? [As you could?]. Maiakovskii V. V. Noktiurn na fleite vodostochnykh trub [Nocturne on a drainpipe flute]. Moscow: Astrel' Publ., 2011, pp. 12. (In Russian)

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6. Maiakovskii V. V. Stikhi o sovetskom pasporte [Poem about Soviet passport]. Maiakovskii V. V. Izbrannye soch. [Selected writings]. Moscow: Gos. izdat. khudozh. lit-ry, 1949, pp. 275–276. (In Russian)

7. Maiakovskii V. V. Oblako v shtanakh [A cloud in trousers]. Maiakovskii V. V. Tragediia [The Tragedy]. Moscow: ProzaiK Publ., 2013, pp. 33–56. (In Russian)

8. Maiakovskii V. V. A vy mogli by? [As you could?]. Maiakovskii V. V. Noktiurn na fleite vodostochnykh trub [Nocturne on a drainpipe flute]. Moscow: Astrel' Publ., 2011, pp. 67–71. (In Russian)

9. Iakhontov V. N. Teatr odnogo aktera [One-man show]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ., 1958. 455 pp. (In Russian)

10. Smolenskii Ia. M. V soiuze zvukov, chuvstv i dum [In the Union of sounds, feelings and thoughts]. Moscow: Sovetskaia Rossiia Publ., 1976. 328 pp. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Vanovskaya, E. V. . (2016). Return to Vladimir Mayakovsky (In the context of the teaching of elocution). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(4), 85–97. Retrieved from


