Patterned Fabrics from West Belarus: double-warp tapestry from Grodno


  • Natalia G. Koltysheva Saint Petersburg State University
  • Valery A. Mariev Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg


The article presents the results of the research into the traditional weaving methods applied in doublelayered fabrics from Belarus. It shows that this weaving method is based on the use of the double shed formation. This method consists in forming the shed for the placement of the weft in two steps. In the first step the pattern is created manually with the aid of a shed stick. In the second step the doublelayered plain weave fabric is formed in each layer with the aid of shafts. The article demonstrates that this method is a variation of the weaving technique called Finnweave, adapted for the Belarusian counter-balance loom with 4 shafts and a direct connection between the shafts and the treadles. The article proposes a notation for the description of the patterns on the double-layered fabrics which can be used for an abridged description of the patterns. The notation reflects only the formation of the pattern (i.e. the first step). The article also investigates some artistic and technical characteristics of the double-warp tapestry from Grodno, offering several examples that are described with the help of the proposed notation. The notation can be used for the description and investigation of the the historical patterns of the double-warp tapestry from Grodno for didactic purposes and as a tool for creating new patterns on the double-layered fabrics. The article is of interest for all those who study double-layered fabrics from Belarus.


double-layered fabrics, Finnweave, double-warp tapestry


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Author Biographies

Natalia G. Koltysheva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of fine arts of the Faculty of arts

Valery A. Mariev, Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg

scientific researcher



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How to Cite

Koltysheva, N. G. ., & Mariev, V. A. . (2015). Patterned Fabrics from West Belarus: double-warp tapestry from Grodno. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(3), 126–146. Retrieved from



Decorative and applied arts