Public art: the pages of history. The phenomenon of counter-monument and the crisis of memorial tradition in contemporary monumental sculpture



The article explores the problems of the origin and evolution of the genre of counter-monument in sculpture of the second half of the 20th — early 21st century. It considers a range of issues related to the reasons for the emergence of such a direction, its relationship with the ideas of public art and the general crisis of monumental sculpture. It also traces the history of the most outstanding monuments of memorial sculpture in Western Europe after the Second World War. A comparative analysis of stylistic characteristics in Soviet war memorials and alternative forms of memorialization in the practice of modern foreign sculpture is carried out. Particular examples analyzed are the counter-monuments in modern Germany. The final part of the article is related to the  analysis of Holocaust memorials, established in Vienna and Berlin in the 2000s and still causing debates about the adequacy of their embodiment the ideas of memory and repentance.


modern sculpture, contemporary sculpture, monumental sculpture, public art, Ossip Zadkine, Henry Moore, Rachel Whiteread, Peter Eisenman


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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design; Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor



1. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

2. Бартке Э., Кухирт У., Людеке Х. Памятник в Бухенвальде / пер. с нем. Д. Аркиной. М.: Искусство, 1966. 98 с.

3. Holocaust monuments and counter-monuments. URL: (дата обращения: 28.10.2014).

4. Barris R. Architectures of memory and counter-memory: Berlin and Bucharest. URL: (дата обращения: 28.10.2014).

5. Young J. E. The counter-memorial: Memory against itself in Germany today // Critical Inquiry. 1992. Vol. 18, N 2. P. 267–296.

6. Miles M. Remembering the unrememberable — the Harburg monument against fascism (Jochen and Esther Shalev Gerz, 2009) // Dokumentas, Straipsnis leidinyje: Meno istorija ir kritika. 2010. N 6. P. 63–71.

7. Widrich M. The willed and the unwilled monument. Judenplatz Vienna and Riegl’s Denkmalpflege // Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 2013. N. 3. P. 382–398.

8. Whiteread R. Carving space: interview with D. Silvester // Tate. 1999. N 17. P. 40–47.

9. Young J. E. Memory and counter-memory. The end of the monument in Germany // Harvard design magazine. 1999. N 9. P. 1–10.


1. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

2. Bartke E., Kukhirt U., Liudeke Kh. Pamiatnik v Bukhenval'de, per. s nem. D. Arkinoi. M.: Iskusstvo, 1966. 98 s.

3. Holocaust monuments and counter-monuments. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 28.10.2014).

4. Barris R. Architectures of memory and counter-memory: Berlin and Bucharest. URL: (accessed: 28.10.2014).

5. Young J. E. The counter-memorial: Memory against itself in Germany today, Critical Inquiry. 1992. Vol. 18, N 2. P. 267–296.

6. Miles M. Remembering the unrememberable — the Harburg monument against fascism (Jochen and Esther Shalev Gerz, 2009), Dokumentas, Straipsnis leidinyje: Meno istorija ir kritika. 2010. N 6. P. 63–71.

7. Widrich M. The willed and the unwilled monument. Judenplatz Vienna and Riegl’s Denkmalpflege, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 2013. N. 3. P. 382–398.

8. Whiteread R. Carving space: interview with D. Silvester, Tate. 1999. N 17. P. 40–47.

9. Young J. E. Memory and counter-memory. The end of the monument in Germany, Harvard design magazine. 1999. N 9. P. 1–10.



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2018). Public art: the pages of history. The phenomenon of counter-monument and the crisis of memorial tradition in contemporary monumental sculpture. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 54–71. Retrieved from



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