Efficiency of problem-heuristic methods in the course of training of designers


  • Nina P. Valkova Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design


Project development in design is a search and selection of ideas. The best result can be reached by studying and practical introduction of non-traditional heuristic methods, along with traditional empirical receptions. Nonconventional heuristic methods are a subject of heuristics — a science about stimulation of creative thinking. However many and various the methods of heuristic search, the research of methods of activization of creative search for the solution of design tasks is practically absent. In this regard, the problem of their studying, systematization and adaptation for purposes of design is important. They are of particular importance when training future designers. The training programs existing for today don’t acquaint students with fundamentals of heuristics and practically don’t use methods of stimulation of creative thinking which would lean on its opportunities. Experience of application of problem and heuristic training of designers in the St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz is covered in this article. 


design, heuristics, problem heuristic methods


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Author Biography

Nina P. Valkova, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design

PhD, Professor of the Department of Software Design of the Faculty of Design



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How to Cite

Valkova, N. P. . (2015). Efficiency of problem-heuristic methods in the course of training of designers. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 164–175. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2321


