Reality and utopia in architecture of Petersburg (on A. S. Pushkin’s works)


  • Irina A. Steklova Penza State University of Architecture and Construction


The article attempts to reconstruct ideas of the first half of the XIX century about the history of Petersburg architecture through poetic, prosaic, publicistic texts by A. S. Pushkin. It discusses the features of real architectural space and their figurative interpretation. Architectural semantics in Pushkin’s language is connected with esthetic and ethical national values. It identifies a ratio of the paradoxes of the real city revealed by the poet and its reflections in the myth about the city perfection, which guarantees the proper way of life. The article shows how objective and ideal properties of the city on Neva are synchronized with the concept that utopia is an absolute unit of its reality which is set by its architecture.


architecture, poetry, utopia, Petersburg, Pushkin


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Author Biography

Irina A. Steklova, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

PhD, Associate professor, Director of the Department of costume design of the Faculty of architecture



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How to Cite

Steklova, I. A. (2013). Reality and utopia in architecture of Petersburg (on A. S. Pushkin’s works). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 212–222. Retrieved from


