M. Tariverdiev. “Olga Sergeevna”. Dramaturgic organization of the musical material


  • Natalia V. Pintverene Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov


This article presents the musical dramaturgy analysis of the serial film, remarkable for the fragmentation of the plot composition, for a great variety of the characters and for the touched questions intensity. The aim of this work is to describe musical images, to reveal principles of the musical material organization, to show that music functions as a musical structure that unifies composition and is the factor that makes the concept of the film that defines its stylistics. Important tasks heading toward this are the identification of the structural principles of the musical dramaturgy, the composer used in previous works, the representation of musical material, greatly enriching the film sound world that extends the stylistic musical space. Particular attention is paid to the timbre dramaturgy analysis. The composer combines sounds of ancient and modern instruments. The phenomenon of the sound is an important part in M. Tariverdiev’s works. The movement of timbre colours is a key device of the film musical dramaturgy. Such instruments as the harpsichord and vibraphone acquire the main importance in M. Tariverdiyev’s film music. “Olga Sergeevna” film music is an illustration of the active search for new ways of the solutions of serial films.


serial film, musical dramaturgy, monologue, improvisation, end-to-end development


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Author Biography

Natalia V. Pintverene, Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov

PhD; Teacher



1. Таривердиев М. Л. Я просто живу. Таривердиева В. Г. Биография музыки. М.: Зебра Е., 2004. 656 с.

2. Цукер А. Микаэл Таривердиев: монография. М.: Сов. Композитор, 1985. 288 с.

3. Таривердиев М. Л. Беседы «Музыкальной жизни» // Музыкальная жизнь. 1978. № 18. С. 19.


1. Tariverdiev M. L. Ia prosto zhivu. Tariverdieva V. G. Biografiia muzyki. Moscow, Zebra E. Publ., 2004. 656 p.(In Russian)

2. Tsuker A. Mikael Tariverdiev: monografiia. Moscow, Sov. Kompozitor Publ., 1985. 288 p. (In Russian)

3. Tariverdiev M. L. Besedy «Muzykal'noi zhizni». Muzykal'naia zhizn', 1978, no. 18, p. 19. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Pintverene, N. V. (2014). M. Tariverdiev. “Olga Sergeevna”. Dramaturgic organization of the musical material. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(1), 5–13. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/4452


