Solo-composition with a weapon in the methods of teaching for the actor


  • Sergey V. Mishenev Saint Petersburg State University


The paper is an attempt to rethink this independent phenomenon of combat culture as a solo composition with weapons. Having considerable application and a long history in the world of martial arts and sports, solo composition with weapons, until now, very little is practiced in the theatre, and, in particular, in the training strategies of the actors of stage fencing. Meanwhile, on closer examination, solo composition with the weapon has a whole number of unique qualities that are directly related to the cast of the field of activity and, thus, carry methodically valuable elements of the training of the future actor. In addition, in recent years, solo composition with weapons found value independent stage of discipline and a new sport — Artistic fencing. And in the light of this phenomenon, the study and practice of solo compositions with weapons, in the framework of Stage fighting is more re levant than ever. However, the introduction of solo compositions with weapons in the program of the course Stage fighting, with the subsequent inclusion in the credit, is fraught with a number of contentious issues, the study of which are also addressed in this article.


solo composition, fencing, weapons, foil, epee, kata, credit


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Author Biography

Sergey V. Mishenev, Saint Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Acting of the Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Mishenev, S. V. (2014). Solo-composition with a weapon in the methods of teaching for the actor. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(1), 55–63. Retrieved from


