Projects of SOM architectural bureau for the United Arab Emirates


  • Ekaterina A. Akimova Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture


The article is a continuation of a study on the phenomenon of poorly studied modern architectural constructions in the UAE on the examples of two of the most progressive Abu Dhabi and Dubai Emirates, at the turn of XX–XXI century. This article analyzes the works of the famous architectural firm SOM, on the material of a certain range of projects and activities for the United Arab Emirates in a time of the beginning of XXI century. Examines of the SOM’s creative style, their contribution to the formation of the Dubai and Abu Dhabi urban images, taking into account local traditions and their integration into modern architectural designs. Determined significance of the bureau SOM’s works for the UAE and their place in the world architecture context.


modern architecture, architectural bureau SOM, the architectural construction in the United Arab Emirates


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Author Biography

Ekaterina A. Akimova, Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

art critic, graduate student of the Department of History and Theory of Architecture



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32. The Tall Buildings Reference Book (Pre-Sale) / Editor: David Parker and Antony Wood. Publisher: Routledge, 2013.

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34. Engineering the World’s Tallest. Authors: SOM Partner in Charge of Structural and Civil Engineering William F. Baker, PE, CE, SE, FASCE, D. Stanton Korista, Lawrence C. Novak. The Proceedings of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s 8th World Congress Dubai, United Arab Emirates March 3–5, 2008 “Tall & Green: Typology for a Sustainable Urban Future” Editor: Antony Wood. P. 43–52.

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4. Klein S. Superlative Emirates: The New Dimension of Urban Architecture: The New Dimension of Urban Design. DAAB MEDIA GMBH, 2011.

5. Damluji. S. S. The architecture of the United Arab Emirates. Reading, UK: Garnet, 2006. 325 p.

6. Bellini O. E., Daglio L. New Frontiers in Architecture: the United Arab Emirates between vision and reality. White Star Publishers, 2008.

7. Kamin B. Terror and Wonder: Architecture in a Tumultuous Age. University of Chicago Press, 2010.

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19. SOM: Architecture of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1950–1962 Hardcover, by Henry-Russell Hitchcock. Monacelli Press, 2009. 224 p.

20. SOM: Architecture of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1963–1973 Hardcover, by Arthur Drexler. Monacelli Press, 2009. 264 p.

21. SOM: Architecture of Skidmore. Owings & Merrill, 1973–1983, by Albert Bush-Brown ; Monacelli Press, 2009.

22. Adams N. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill: Eksperiment s 1936 goda. Milan: Electa, 2006.

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24. SOM: Architecture of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1997–2008, by Detlef Mertins. Monacelli Press, 2009.

25. Architecture of Adrian Smith, SOM: Toward a Sustainable Future, Editor: Robyn Beaver. Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd. Australia, 2007.

26. Smith A. Engineering creativity of Adrian Smith. The Architecture of Aderian by Smith, SOM Toward a Sustainable Future. Arab Scientific Publishers, 2007.

27. Wood A. Tall Green Future Tall Buildings and Sustainability, CTBUH, Chikago Wiley Jornal. 2008.

28. Sky-Sourced Sustainability. The Proceedings of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s 8th World Congress Dubai, United Arab Emirates March 3–5, 2008 “Tall & Green: Typology for a Sustainable Urban Future”, Editor: Antony Wood/Authors: SOM Architectural Associate Director Peter Weismantle AIA, RIBA and Luke Leung, PE. 2008. P. 328–335.

29. Wood A. Best Tall Buildings 2010, CTBUH International Award Winning Projects, Editor: Antony Wood. CTBUH in conjunction with IIT and Routledge. Chicago: Taylor and Francis Group, 2010. p. 144–154.

30. Wood A. Best Tall Buildings 2011, CTBUH International Award Winning Projects CTBUH in conjunction with IIT and Routledge. Chicago: Taylor and Francis Group, 2011. P. 174–177.

31. Wood A. Best Tall Buildings 2012, CTBUH International Award Winning Projects; CTBUH in conjunction with IIT and Routledge. Chicago: Taylor and Francis Group, 2012. p. 224

32. The Tall Buildings Reference Book (Pre-Sale), Editor: David Parker and Antony Wood. Publisher: Routledge, 2013.

33. CTBUH 9th World Congress Proceedings, Asia Ascending: Age of the Sustainable Skyscraper, Editors: Antony Wood, Timothy Johnson & Guo-Qiang Li. Chicago: CTBUH, 2012. R. 73–74.

34. Engineering the World’s Tallest. Authors: SOM Partner in Charge of Structural and Civil Engineering William F. Baker, PE, CE, SE, FASCE, D. Stanton Korista, Lawrence C. Novak. The Proceedings of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s 8th World Congress Dubai, United Arab Emirates March 3–5, 2008 “Tall & Green: Typology for a Sustainable Urban Future” Editor: Antony Wood. P. 43–52.

35. Architect Magazine SOM. Sustainable architecture, Annual Reviews 2008. New York 10005. P. 13

36. Programming Nanotechnology: Learning from Nature. URL: (accessed: 28.11.2013).

37. Architect Magazine SOM. SOM city design practice, Annual Reviews. New York, 2010.

38. Architect Magazine SOM. Sustainable Engineering + Design, Annual Reviews. 2012. P. 18–21.

39. Ikonnikov A. V. Arkhitektura XX veka. Utopii i real'nost': v 2-kh t. M.: Progress-Traditsiia, 2002.

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41. Vers une architecture, LE CORBUSIER, Éditions Crès, Collection de “L’Esprit Nouveau”, Paris, 1923.

42. La Ville radieuse, LE CORBUSIER, Éditions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Collection de l’équipement de la civilisation machiniste, Boulogne-sur-Seine, 1935.

43. Johnson P., Hitchcock H.-R. The International Style, WW Norton & Company, Reissue edition 1997.

44. Mir M Ali. Art of the Skyscraper: The Genius of Fazlur Khan. Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Incorporated, New York, 2001.

45. Dictionary of Wisconsin History, Cultural Resource Management in Wisconsin. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1986.

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47. Proekt «Matritsa Geitvei Kompleks». URL: (accessed: 02.12.2013).

48. Proekt «Oazis Generator». URL: (accessed: 02.12.2013).

49. Abu Dhabi International Airport Master Plan. URL: (accessed: 02.12.2013).

50. Small, medium, large, extra-large, eds Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau, Hans Werlemann, Jennifer Sigler. New York: Monacelli Press, 1995.



How to Cite

Akimova, E. A. . (2014). Projects of SOM architectural bureau for the United Arab Emirates. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(1), 139–163. Retrieved from


