Anthony Caro in the history of modern sculpture. Part 3. 1980–2010s. “Total sculpture”



The third and final article in a series dedicated to the memory of the outstanding British sculptor Anthony Caro (1924–2013). The article examines the period of Caro’s work from early 1980s to early 2010s. At this time his attitude to plastic form is undergoing significant changes as compared to the 1960–1970s, when he was perceived as one of the leaders of abstract sculpture. His major later works — large-scale installations that use all kinds of materials, including metal, wood and stone. The publication analyzes the most significant works of Caro executed since the 1980s, and discusses the general trends in the art of this period. Final conclusions related to the definition of creativity originality of Caro, clarifying his outstanding role in the history of modern sculpture and contemporary art.


Anthony Caro, Rosalind Krauss, modern sculpture, contemporary art, British sculpture, abstract art, minimalism, installation


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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design; Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Associate Professor



1. Котломанов А. О. Энтони Каро в истории современной скульптуры. Ч. 2. 1970-е. Между абстракцией и инсталляцией // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 15: Искусствоведение. 2014. Вып. 3. С. 96–103.

2. The poetics of space: Anthony Caro talks to Norman Foster // Tate etc. 2005. N 3. URL: (дата обращения: 03.06.2014).

3. Краусс Р. Е. Подлинность авангарда и другие модернистские мифы / пер. с англ. А. Матвеевой, К. Кистяковской, А. Обуховой. М.: Художественный журнал, 2003. 317 с.

4. Martin R. Spaces, places and landmarks: Environmental art // 40 under 40: The new generation in Britain. London; New York, 1989. P. 55–59.

5. Lucie-Smith E. Art in the seventies. Ithaca (N. Y.), 1980. 128 p.

6. Marlow T. Generation games in sculpture // 40 under 40: The new generation in Britain. London; New York, 1989. P. 63–69.

7. Cork R. Introduction // A user’s guide to public sculpture / ed. by J. Darke. Swindon, 2000. P. 12–17.


1. Kotlomanov A. O. Entoni Karo v istorii sovremennoi skul'ptury. Ch. 2. 1970-e. Mezhdu abstraktsiei i installiatsiei, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 15: Iskusstvovedenie. 2014. Vyp. 3. p. 96–103.

2. The poetics of space: Anthony Caro talks to Norman Foster, Tate etc. 2005. N 3. URL: (accessed: 03.06.2014).

3. Krauss R. E. Podlinnost' avangarda i drugie modernistskie mify, per. s angl. A. Matveevoi, K. Kistiakovskoi, A. Obukhovoi. M.: Khudozhestvennyi zhurnal, 2003. 317 p.

4. Martin R. Spaces, places and landmarks: Environmental art, 40 under 40: The new generation in Britain. London; New York, 1989. P. 55–59.

5. Lucie-Smith E. Art in the seventies. Ithaca (N. Y.), 1980. 128 p.

6. Marlow T. Generation games in sculpture, 40 under 40: The new generation in Britain. London; New York, 1989. P. 63–69.

7. Cork R. Introduction, A user’s guide to public sculpture, ed. by J. Darke. Swindon, 2000. P. 12–17.



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2014). Anthony Caro in the history of modern sculpture. Part 3. 1980–2010s. “Total sculpture”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(4), 72–79. Retrieved from



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