The battle-ground of Antoine Watteau


  • Julia N. Belova Saint Petersburg State University of Technologies and Design


The article is devoted to some aspects of creation of military pictures by Antoine Watteau that have so far gained little academic consideration, and also to the infl uence of Jacques Callot’s «Les Grandes Misères de la guerre» on Antoine Watteau’s military pictures and on the works by the French artist Nicolas Guérard.


Antoine Watteau, Jacques Callot, Nicolas Guérard, military picture


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Author Biography

Julia N. Belova, Saint Petersburg State University of Technologies and Design

PhD, associate professor of Department of Arts and Crafts



1. Lesseur-Lagrue C. Angers. Musée Pincé. Angers: Siraudeau, 1982.

2. Honeyman T. J. Glasgow Art gallery: Catalogue of French paintings. Glasgow: Glasgow Art gallery and museums Association, 1953.

3. Donald A. French Paintings and Drawing: Illustrated summary catalogue. Art Gallery, Museum Glasgow. London: Collins, 1985.

4. Glasgow. Art gallery and museum. French school: Catalogue. Vol. 1–2. Glasgow: [s.n.], 1967.

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6. Bruand Y., Hebert M. Inventaire du fonds francais. Graveurs du XVIII siecles. Bibliotheque Nationale. Department des estampes. Vol. 1–12. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1968–1973.

7. Weigert R.-A. Inventaire du fonds francais. Graveurs du XVII siecle. Vol. 1–4. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1939–1954.

8. Tajan. Beaux livres ancienns et modernes. Vendredi 24 mars 2006. Hotel Drouot. Paris: Tajan, 2006.

9. Gébelin А. Monde primitif analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne. Vol. 1–9. Paris: Boudet, 1777–1782.

10. Bryans dictionnary of painters and engravers. [George C. Williamson]. Vol. 1–5. London: George Bell and Sons, 1903.

11. Ternois D. L`Art de Jacques Callot. Paris, 1962.

12. Алексеева В. А. Офорты Жака Калло. Каталог выставки собрания ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина. М.: Сов. художник, 1971.

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1. Lesseur-Lagrue C. Angers. Musée Pincé. Angers, Siraudeau, 1982.

2. Honeyman T. J. Glasgow Art gallery: Catalogue of French paintings. Glasgow, Glasgow Art gallery and museums Association, 1953.

3. Donald A. French Paintings and Drawing: Illustrated summary catalogue. Art Gallery, Museum Glasgow. London, Collins, 1985.

4. Glasgow. Art gallery and museum. French school: Catalogue. Vol. 1–2. Glasgow [s.n.], 1967.

5. Mathey J. Antoine Watteau. Peintures réapparues, inconnues ou négligées par les historiens: identifi cation par les dessins, chronologie. Paris, F. de Nobele, 1959.

6. Bruand Y., Hebert M. Inventaire du fonds francais. Graveurs du XVIII siecles. Bibliotheque Nationale. Department des estampes. Vol. 1–12. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1968–1973.

7. Weigert R.-A. Inventaire du fonds francais. Graveurs du XVII siecle. Vol. 1–4. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, 1939–1954.

8. Tajan. Beaux livres ancienns et modernes. Vendredi 24 mars 2006. Hotel Drouot. Paris, Tajan, 2006.

9. Gébelin A. Monde primitif analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne. Vol. 1–9. Paris, Boudet, 1777–1782.

10. Bryans dictionnary of painters and engravers. [George C. Williamson]. Vol. 1–5. London, George Bell and Sons, 1903.

11. Ternois D. L`Art de Jacques Callot. Paris, 1962.

12. Alekseeva V. A. Oforty Zhaka Kallo. Katalog vystavki sobraniia GMII im. A. S. Pushkina. Moscow, Sov. khudozhnik Publ., 1971. (In Russian)

13. Stroganov S. A. Problemy genezisa batal'nogo zhanra gollandskoi zhivopisi pervoi poloviny XVII veka: avtoref. dis. … kand. isk. St Petersburg, 2004. (In Russian)

14. Glikman A. S. Zhak Kallo. Leningrad; Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1959. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Belova, J. N. . (2011). The battle-ground of Antoine Watteau. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(3), 32–43. Retrieved from



Visual arts