The main forms of theatre-educational institutions in Europe in the 20th–21st centuries


  • Marina B. Duxbury-Alexsandrovskaya Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy


In the article the principles and methods of actor training in West Europe are analyzed. The European tradition of actor training differs from the Russian one, where along with the state institutions (Conservatories, Universities, Schools) there are private theatre schools, the Center-laboratories, Studios, Seminars, Summer workshops, Festivals, Personal master classes etc. Each category of institutions has its own principles of designing the academic programs: duration of training, the form of selection of applicant-actors, methods of teaching the basic disciplines. The educational process at the Higher National Conservatory of Drama in Paris and at the private school “Mime-Movement-Theatre” by J. Lecoq is described in the article.


theatre, actor, education, method, program, Comédie-Française, Jacques Lecoq


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Author Biography

Marina B. Duxbury-Alexsandrovskaya, Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy

PhD, associate professor of the Department of directing



1. Banu G. Exercices d’accompagnement d’Antoine Vitez a Sarah Bernhardt. Saint-Jean-de-Védas: L’Entretemps, 2002.

2. Lecoq J. L’Article paru dans // Le journal du Th éâtre de la Ville. 1972. N 15. Janvier.

3. Linssen R. Le Zen. Sagesse d’Exstrêm-Orient: un nouvel art de vivre? Verviers: Marabout Univérsite, 1969.

4. Юнг К.-Г. Архетип и символ. М.: Ренессанс, 1991.

5. Юнг К.-Г. Человек и его символы. М.: Серебряные нити, 1997.

6. Henri M. Un Barbare en Asie. Paris: Gallimard. Revue, 1967.

7. L’école du jeu. Former ou transmettre… les chemins de l’enseignement théâtral. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National sous la direction Josette Féral. Saint-Jean-de-Védas: L’ entretemps, 2003.

8. Школа игры. Формировать или передавать… пути театрального образования: сб. ст. Париж: Антретам, 2003.


1. Banu G. Exercices d’accompagnement d’Antoine Vitez a Sarah Bernhardt. Saint-Jean-de-Védas, L’Entretemps, 2002.

2. Lecoq J. L’Article paru dans. Le journal du Th éâtre de la Ville, 1972, no. 15, Janvier.

3. Linssen R. Le Zen. Sagesse d’Exstrêm-Orient: un nouvel art de vivre? Verviers, Marabout Univérsite, 1969.

4. Iung K.-G. Arkhetip i simvol. Moscow, Renessans Publ., 1991. (In Russian)

5. Iung K.-G. Chelovek i ego simvoly. Moscow, Serebrianye niti Publ., 1997. (In Russian)

6. Henri M. Un Barbare en Asie. Paris, Gallimard. Revue, 1967.

7. L’école du jeu. Former ou transmettre… les chemins de l’enseignement théâtral. Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre National sous la direction Josette Féral. Saint-Jean-de-Védas, L’ entretemps, 2003.

8. Shkola igry. Formirovat' ili peredavat'… puti teatral'nogo obrazovaniia: sb. st. Parizh, Antretam Publ., 2003. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Duxbury-Alexsandrovskaya, M. B. . (2011). The main forms of theatre-educational institutions in Europe in the 20th–21st centuries. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(3), 90–101. Retrieved from


