Harrison Birtwistle’s “Orpheus-Project”: Images of Melancholy





British composer Harrison Birtwistle (b. 1934) is considered to be one of the most striking figures of contemporary classical music. The most important idea which crosses many of his pieces is the multiple embodiment of the Orpheus myth. Orpheus is interpreted not only as a person with his own tragedy, but also becomes an umbrella phenomenon embracing his mythic brother Linos, his wife Euridice, and different aspects of the voyage to the Underworld: wandering in the kingdom of Hades, conducting a dialog with the King of the Dead, as well as various-level reflections on the whole myth (allegoric, metaphoric, symbolic). Embodying all these aspects, the composer takes a wide range of texts (from Ausonius and Boethius, to Christopher Logue and Sir Thomas Wyatt, to Rainer Maria Rilke and Peter Zinoviev) and produces a number of works of different genres: instrumental pieces (Linoi), cantatas (The Death of Orpheus, Meridian), choral compositions (Fields of Sorrow, On the Threshold of the Night), operas (The Mask of Orpheus, The Corridor), and song cycles (Orpheus Elegies). Thus, Birtwistle’s reflections on Orpheus form a series of works that display the whole range of images and situations contained in the myth, taken from different angles that can be compared to Picasso’s famous series of reinterpretations of Las Meninas. One feature common to all these compositions is:that they are emotionally charged with a deep melancholy characteristic of a composer who recognizes in himself this kind of temperament as his peculiarity, and inspired by his famous predecessor, Dürer and Dowland.

Ключевые слова:

Harrison Birtwistle, Orpheus myth, series of works, Zinoviev, Rilke, Ausonius, Boethius, melancholy as an emotional modus


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Биография автора

Татьяна Владимировна Цареградская, Российская академия музыки им. Гнесиных

доктор искусствоведения, профессор кафедры аналитического музыкознания историко-теоретико-композиторского факультета

Библиографические ссылки


1. Cross, Jonathan. “The Mask of Orpheus”. In Birtwistle, Harrison. The Mask of Orpheus. BBC Singers, BBC Symphony Orchestra. Andrew Davis and Martyn Brabbins. Recorded April 11–12, 1996. NMC Recordings Ltd., 1997.

2. Adlington, Robert. The Music of Harrison Birtwistle. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

3. Beard, David. Harrison Birtwistle’s Operas and Music Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

4. Cross, Jonathan. Harrison Birtwistle: Man, Mind, Music. Ithaka; New York: Cornell University Press, 2000.

5. Hall, Michael. Harrison Birtwistle. London: Robson books, 1984.

6. Hall, Michael. Harrison Birtwistle in recent years. London: Robson books, 1998.

7. “Harrison Birtwistle Quotes”. Accessed January 31, 2019. https://www.idlehearts.com/quotes/author/harrison-birtwistle.

8. Cross, Jonathan. Harrison Birtwistle: The Mask of Orpheus. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.

9. “Peter Zinovieff ”. Accessed January 31, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Zinovieff.

10. Hall, Thomas. “Before the Mask: Birtwistle’s Electronic Music Collaborations with Peter Zinovieff ”. In Harrison Birtwistle studies, edited by David Beard, Kenneth Gloag and Nicholas Jones, 63–94. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

11. The Mask of Orpheus. An Opera in three acts. Libretto and Scenario: Peter Zinoviev. Music: Harrison Birtwistle. Vienna: Universal Edition, 1986.

12. Maddocks, Fiona, and Harrison Birtwistle. Harrison Birtwistle. Wild tracks. A conversation diary with Fiona Maddocks. London: Faber & Faber, 2014.

13. “Harrison Birtwistle interviewed by Stephan Meier”. In Birtwistle, Harrison. Orpheus Elegies; Three Bach Arias. Melinda Maxwell, Helen Tunstall, Andrew Watts, Claire Seaton, William Stafford, Tom Verity, Ben Fullbrook. Recorded August 28–29, September 25, 2008. Oboe Classics CC2020, 2008.

14. Birtwistle, Harrison. Songs 1970–2006. Alice Rossi, Das Neue Ensemble, Stefan Asbury, Kuss Quartet, Soloists of the HMTMN, Theater und Medien Hannover. Recorded October 25, 2014. Toccata Classics TOCC0281, 2015.

15. Waddell, Helen, transl. Medieval Latin Lyrics. London: Constable & Co., 1929.

16. Clements, Andrew. “Work introduction”. Sir Harrison Birtwistle: On the Sheer Threshold of the Nigh. Accessed January 31, 2019. https://www.universaledition.com/composers-and-works/sir-harrison-birtwistle-64/works/on-the-sheer-threshold-of-the-night-3960.

17. Clark, Andrew. “Interview: Sir Harrison Birtwistle on the Joy of Music”. Financial Times, March 6, 2009. Accessed January 31, 2019. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/5ccaa0d0-09dd-11de-add8-0000779fd2ac.html.

18. Whittall, Arnold. “‘Let it Drift’: Birtwistle’s Late-modernist Dramas”. In Harrison Birtwistle studies, edited by David Beard, Kenneth Gloag and Nicholas Jones, 1–25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

19. Cross, Jonathan. “Of Shadows and Mirrors: Reflections on Birtwistle in the New Millennium”. In Harrison Birtwistle studies, edited by David Beard, Kenneth Gloag and Nicholas Jones, 293–302. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

20. Delaere, Mark. “Gigue Machine and Other Gigs: Birtwistle in Europe and Beyond”. In Harrison Birtwistle studies, edited by David Beard, Kenneth Gloag and Nicholas Jones, 264–92. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Music Editions

I. Birtwistle, Harrison. Nenia: The Death of Orpheus. London: Universal Edition, 1970.

II. Birtwistle, Harrison. 26 Orpheus Elegies. London: Boosey and Hawkes, 2005.

III. Birtwistle, Harrison. The Fields of Sorrow. London: Universal Edition, 1973.

IV. Birtwistle, Harrison. On the Sheer Threshold of the Night. London: Universal Edition, 1980.




Как цитировать

Цареградская, Т. В. (2019). Harrison Birtwistle’s “Orpheus-Project”: Images of Melancholy. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Искусствоведение, 9(2), 256–279. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu15.2019.203


