Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Arts

“Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts” is a stimulating and illustrated journal, and is unrivalled in its field. Founded in 2011, it remains the leading journal for anyone interested in all fields of arts.

Contributions from scholars of international standing explore every aspect of visual arts, architecture and urban planning, design, music, restoration, art history, &c., and tackle controversial issues of performance practice.

From the moment of the foundation “Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Arts” has sought to reflect key achievements of all spheres and the directions of art. The main objective of the edition consists in thematic width — to present to professional researchers the main tendencies and achievements of modern art scholarship. The journal is the platform for scientific discussions of both the Russian, and international scales. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles are in the Russian and English languages. The combination of all these characteristics makes the journal unique among editions of this category. Each issue contains a wide range of thought-provoking articles on aspects of theory and history of arts, including perspectives from contemporary practice and from historical and contextual research. New discoveries of sources, methods and documentation are regularly featured, and innovatory approaches to research and performance are explored, often in collections of themed articles.

“Vestnik of Saint Peterburg University. Arts” is the quarterly journal, it has the genre variety and includes scientific articles, state-of-the-art reviews of key scientific discussions and reviews of new researches.

All published materials are executed according to the international standards and also are supplied with abstracts, keywords and the list of sources.

Absrtacting and Indexing Services: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection), Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index, EBSCO, Cyberleninka, EastView.