The monumentality of new Russian sculpture. Episode 1: monument to prince Vladimir


  • Alexander O. Kotlomanov St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, 13, Solyanoy per., St. Petersburg, 191028, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In connection with the erection of the monument to Vladimir the Great in Moscow, contemporary trends in historical monumentalization in Russia are considered, as well as similar processes in other countries. Traced is the history of the dominant monuments dedicated to outstanding historical figures. Key examples of the newest period are highlighted, among which religious monuments are emphasized. Also, in connection with Zurab Tsereteli’s project of creating a colossal figure of Christ, analyzed are examples of sculptures in the form of a figurative super-monuments symbolizing the idea of the triumph of religion. The newest tendencies of monumentalization are proposed to be considered as a phenomenon characterizing the emergent crises in contemporary culture. Their number reflects the general symptomatology of the decline of the figurative method in art, the inertial stage of its evolution. Final conclusions are related to the formulation of the need to limit this process, to develop new criteria of, to recognize the problems of monumental sculpture in common international context. Refs 7. Figs 10.


contemporary sculpture, monumental sculpture, urban sculpture, public art, Russian sculpture, Zurab Tsereteli


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How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2017). The monumentality of new Russian sculpture. Episode 1: monument to prince Vladimir. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 7(3), 342–359.



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