“Louise” by G. Charpentier on stage. Dramaturgy of the “roman musicale”


  • Valentina V. Azarova Saint Petersburg State University


The article focuses on some peculiarities of Louise’s life on stage and its musical dramaturgy. The study of a unique correlation between musical and literary aspects of the novel in music leads to discovery of the phenomenon of interaction among different artistic trends fin du siècle in certain parts of the composition.  Such categories of G. Charpentier’s conception as “Qintessence of life at Montmartre” or sketches of everyday’s life of “enfants de la Bohème” have been treated in Russian musicology for the first time. 


G. Charpentier, a novel in music, “Louise”, musical dramaturgy, the composer’s esthetic principals


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Author Biography

Valentina V. Azarova, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon



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1. Dumesnil R. Histoire du Théâtre lyrique. Paris, Edititons d’Histoire et d’ A rt, 1953. 240 p.

2. Garden M. L’ envers du décor: souvenirs d'une grande cantatrice. Paris, Ed. de Paris, 1952. 237 p.

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4. Yon J.-C. Louise, du stéréotype à la subversion. L’ A vant-Scène Opéra, 2000, Juillet, no. 197, pp. 72–75.

5. Azarova V. V. Tema khristianskogo gumanizma v liricheskikh operakh Zh. Massne "Tais", "Safo", "Zhongler Bogomateri": ocherki. Voronezh, Istoki, 2000. 208 s. (In Russian)

6. Sharpentier G. Louise. Roman Musical en 4 actes. Partition pour chant et piano réduite par l’auteur. Paris, Editeurs Ménestrel, copyright by Heugel et Cie, 1900. 422 p.

7. Miurzhe A. Stseny iz zhizni bogemy. St. Petersburg, Azbuka-klassika, 2008. 352 p. (In Russian)

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9. Asaf'ev B. V. G. Sharpant'e. Prazdnik. Asaf'ev B. V. Ob opere. Izbrannye stat'i. Leningrad, Muzyka Publ., 1985, pp. 259–262. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Azarova, V. V. . (2012). “Louise” by G. Charpentier on stage. Dramaturgy of the “roman musicale”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 3–20. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1345


