M. Tariverdiev. “Seventeen moments of spring”. The musical dramaturgy of the detective serial


  • Natalia V. Pintverene Saint-Petersburg University of The Humanities and Social Sciences; Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov


The work “Seventeen moments of spring” was the completion of the first experimental period of  M. Tariverdiev’s works in the field of the musical dramaturgy. He was attracted by the Yu. Semyonov’s plot, that was developing during twelve series, and by the aesthetics of the television. M. Tariverdiev was one of the first who had formed the canons and principles of the aesthetics of the television. The main problem was to develop a holistic approach to weave music into the film. M. T ariverdiev created the musical frame of the film that connects all the cinematographic lines of the work. Genre modulation in music reflected the logical development of the plot.


dramaturgy of the detective serial, genre modulation, prevailing development


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Author Biography

Natalia V. Pintverene, Saint-Petersburg University of The Humanities and Social Sciences; Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov

graduate student of the Department of Art Criticism of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint-Petersburg University of The Humanities and Social Sciences; teacher at the Saint Petersburg Children’s Music School named after A. Petrov



1. Таривердиев М. Л. Я просто живу. Таривердиева В. Г. Биография музыки. М.: Зебра Е., 2004. 656 с.

2. Носина В. Б. Символика музыки И. С. Баха. М.: Классика-ХХI, 2004. 53 с.

3. Таривердиев М. Л. Беседы «Музыкальной жизни» // Музыкальная жизнь. 1978. № 18. С. 19.

4. Интервью Микаэла Таривердиева // Комсомольская правда. 1982. № 49. С. 3.


1. Tariverdiev M. L. Ia prosto zhivu. Tariverdieva V. G. Biografiia muzyki. Moscow, Zebra E. Publ., 2004. 656 p. (In Russian)

2. Nosina V. B. Simvolika muzyki I. S. Bakha. Moscow, Klassika-XXI Publ., 2004. 53 p. (In Russian)

3. Tariverdiev M. L. Besedy "Muzykal'noi zhizni". Muzykal'naia zhizn', 1978, no. 18, p. 19. (In Russian)

4. Interv'iu Mikaela Tariverdieva. Komsomol'skaia pravda, 1982, no. 49, p. 3. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Pintverene, N. V. (2012). M. Tariverdiev. “Seventeen moments of spring”. The musical dramaturgy of the detective serial. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 76–87. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1422


