Modus vivendi of la Bohème from Monmartre. About Gustave Charpentier (1860– 1956) and his works


  • Valentina V. Azarova Saint Petersburg State University


This article overviews Gustave Charpentier’s artistic evolution. In the year 1900 the eminent French composer created a new kind of opera, a musical roman, which he named “Louise”. The main works by Charpentier are also cited here. Charpentier’s life and work are investigated against the background of changes in cultural sphere that occurred within fin du siècle and Belle époque periods in French history. The composer’s esthetic conviction was that humanistic ideals of the French revolution as well as the ideas of Republican democrats on society could become a national cultural heritage. It also presents a detailed account of life of young people from Montmartre hill. The connection of la Bohème with some anarchist and socialist movements in general and its involvement in the events of the commune of Paris in particular are all traced down further in the article. The sketches from the life of Montmartre youth have psychological and ethical importance to create atmosphere of joy in ‘Louise’. It is the first time these aspects of Charpentier’s work have been studied in Russian musicology.


Gustave Charpentier, Louise, a musical roman, the image of la Bohème, main works, artistic evolution, the ideas of Republican democrats on society, esthetic views


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Author Biography

Valentina V. Azarova, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon



1. Французская музыка второй половины XIX века. Сб. переводных работ / вступит. ст. и ред. М. С. Друскина. М.: Искусство, 1938. 252 с.

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8. Charpentier G. Louise. Roman musical en 4 actes. Partition pour chant et piano réduite par l’auteur. Paris: Editeurs Ménestrel, copyright by Heugel et Cie, 1900. 422 p.

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15. Азарова В. В. Тема христианского гуманизма в лирических операх Ж. Массне «Таис», «Сафо», «Жонглер Богоматери»: очерки. Воронеж: Истоки, 2000. 208 с.

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4. L’Avant-Scène Opéra, 2000, Juillet, No 197, 130 p.

5.Dumesnil R. Histoire du Théâtre lyrique. Paris, Edititons d’Histoire et d’Art, 1953. 240 p.

6. Azarova V. V. Antichnost' vo frantsuzskoi opere 1890–1900-kh godov. Saarbrücken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., 2011. 464 p. (In Russian)

7. Combarieu J. Histoire de la musique. T. I–V. Paris, Librairie Arnaud Colin, 1919, t. III. 667 p.

8. Charpentier G. Louise. Roman musical en 4 actes. Partition pour chant et piano réduite par l’auteur. Paris, Editeurs Ménestrel, copyright by Heugel et Cie, 1900. 422 p.

9. Dumesnil R. Histoire de la musique. T. I–V. Paris, Librairie Arnaud Colin, 1958, t. IV. 527 p.

10. Asaf'ev B. V. Ob opere. Leningrad, Muzyka Publ., 1985. 343 p. (In Russian)

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13. Gonkur E. i Zh. de. Zhermini Laserte. Aktrisa Fosten. Otryvki iz "Dnevnika". Moscow, Pravda Publ., 1990. 592 p. (In Russian)

14. Dode A. Flober G. "Safo". "Gospozha Bovari". Transl. from French. Moscow, MP "Firma Art", 1992. 432 p. (In Russian)

15. Azarova V. V. Tema khristianskogo gumanizma v liricheskikh operakh Zh. Massne "Tais", "Safo", "Zhongler Bogomateri": ocherki. Voronezh, Istoki Publ. , 2000. 208 p. (In Russian)

16. Rembo A. Stikhi. Poslednie stikhotvoreniia. Ozareniia. Odno leto v adu. Transl., comp., comment. by N. I. Balashov. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982. 495 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Azarova, V. V. . (2012). Modus vivendi of la Bohème from Monmartre. About Gustave Charpentier (1860– 1956) and his works. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(2), 3–15. Retrieved from


