The painter of double outline. The study in the stylistic analysis of the chamástyle painted vessels


  • Roman V. Goncharov Saint Petersburg State University of Technologies and Design


The article is dedicated to the attribution of several chamá-style painted vessels. Chamá is one of the provincial traditions of mayan vase painting in the Late Classic period (AD 600–800) in the southern Guatemalan highlands. Chamá-style pottery was identified by E. P. Dieseldorff during his archaeological  excavations in the Chamá Valley in 1890s. This region, which is peripheral to the prominent lowland maya cities, does not feature monumental architecture. In this situation the pictorial pottery is the most important material to study its political history, trade routes, crafts and artistic traditions. Applying the formal-stylistic method (as exemplified by G. Morelly and J. D. Beazley), the researcher suggests that the examined vessels (K0578, K6434, K5944, K6999, K4018) were made by one artist —
“the painter of double outline”.


chamá-style painted vessels, maya vase painting, pre-Columbian art, ancient maya art, maya studies, attribution of the ancient painted pottery, formal-stylistic method


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Author Biography

Roman V. Goncharov, Saint Petersburg State University of Technologies and Design

senior lecturer of the Department of theory and history of arts of the Institute of design and arts



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3. Coe M. D., Kerr J. The Art of the Maya Scribe. London, Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1997. 240 p.

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How to Cite

Goncharov, R. V. (2012). The painter of double outline. The study in the stylistic analysis of the chamástyle painted vessels. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(4), 232–244. Retrieved from



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