Kitsch and metanarratives of the modern design


  • Oksana A. Vashchuk Saint Petersburg State University


The article deals with the problem of kitsch in the structure of modern visual culture. The author examines the social and cultural origins and history of kitsch as a distinct cultural category. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the relationships between kitsch and avant-garde, post-utopian art, namely pop-art, and its place and role in the international practice of design in the second half of the 1960s–2010s. The author refers to the concept of “Camp art” by S. Sontag and considers the kitsch/glamour ratio. Kitsch is treated as one of the methodological principles shaping the design of the postmodern era. Certain aspects of kitsch aesthetics are analyzed in relation to the works by the world leaders of modern design: A. Mendini, E. Sottsass, A. Rossi, P. Starck, G. Pesce, M. Umeda, R. Arad, K. Rashid, etc.


kitsch, design, art furniture, camp art, postmodernism, design methodology, pop-art, antidesign


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Author Biography

Oksana A. Vashchuk, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Vashchuk, O. A. . (2013). Kitsch and metanarratives of the modern design. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 211–223. Retrieved from


