Gabo: famous and unknown. Book Review: Natalia Sidlina’s “Naum Gabo”



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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of Department of Restoration of the Faculty of Arts



1. Тэрстон Л. Б. В гостях у Наума Габо: [интервью со скульптором] // Америка. 1976. № 241 (дек.). С. 16–19.

2. Read H. E. A concise history of modern sculpture. London: Thames, Hudson, 1964. 310 p.

3. Rotzler W. Constructive Concepts. A History of Constructive Art from Cubism to the Presen. Zürich: ABC Edition, 1988. 332 p.

4. Hammer M., Lodder Ch. Constructing Modernity: the Art and Career of Naum Gabo. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. 528 p.

5. Сидлина Н. З. // Ассоциация искусствоведов (АИС). URL:–01–16–11–09–28&catid=197:-2&Itemid=60 (дата обращения 15.10.2012).

6. Сидлина Н. З. Наум Габо. М.: С. Э. Гордеев, 2011. 208 с.

7. Gabo N. The constructive idea in art // Art in theory, 1900–1990. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. P. 365–374.

8. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

9. Генри Мур: человеческое измерение: [кат. выст.]. Лондон: Британский Совет, [1991]. 160 с.



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2013). Gabo: famous and unknown. Book Review: Natalia Sidlina’s “Naum Gabo”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 233–238. Retrieved from




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