Public art: the pages of history. Contemporary Russian art in the public space. Part 1: Monumental sculpture



The article continues the series of publications on the topic of public art. It looks at some trends of Russian art life, the key subject is monumental sculpture of 1990–2000s. The article presents a comparative analysis of the strategies of the Western public art and public art of the Soviet Union. It highlights the work of Zurab Tsereteli that characterizes the situation of the traditional monumental sculpture as a whole. The author also focuses on some of the works of Ernst Neizvestny, Mihail Chemiakin and Rezo Gabriadze representing an alternative method of expressing ideas in the sculpture material. The final conclusions of the article are connected with the analysis of the possibility of development in Russia new forms and methods of public art.


contemporary art, contemporary sculpture, urban sculpture, public art, Russian sculpture, Zurab Tsereteli, Ernst Neizvestny, Mihail Chemiakin, Rezo Gabriadze


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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design; Saint Petersburg State University




1. Котломанов А. О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Феномен контр-монумента и кризис мемориальной традиции в современной монументальной скульптуре // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 1. С. 53–70.

2. Кантор А. М. Изобразительное искусство ХХ века. М.: Искусство, 1973. 218 с.

3. Воейкова И. Н. Художники-монументалисты. М.: Советский художник, 1969. 224 с.

4. Лебедева В. Е. Советское монументальное искусство шестидесятых годов. М.: Наука, 1973. 236 с.

5. Швидковский Д. О. Творческий метод Церетели // Творчество Зураба Церетели. Статьи о творчестве. URL: (дата обращения: 21.06.2015).


1. Kotlomanov A. O. Pablik-art: stranitsy istorii. Fenomen kontr-monumenta i krizis memorial'noi traditsii v sovremennoi monumental'noi skul'pture [Public art: the pages of history. The phenomenon of counter-monument and the crisis of memorial tradition in contemporary monumental sculpture]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 15. Arts. 2015. Issue 1, pp. 53–70. (In Russian)

2. Kantor A. M. Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo XX veka [Art of the 20th century]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Publ., 1973. 218 pp. (In Russian)

3. Voeikova I. N. Khudozhniki-monumentalisty [Artists-muralists]. Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik Publ., 1969. 224 pp. (In Russian)

4. Lebedeva V. E. Sovetskoe monumental'noe iskusstvo shestidesiatykh godov [Soviet monumental art of the sixties]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1973. 236 pp. (In Russian)

5. Shvidkovskii D. O. Tvorcheskii metod Tsereteli [Creative method of Tsereteli]. Tvorchestvo Zuraba Tsereteli. Stat'i o tvorchestve [The art of Zurab Tsereteli. Articles about art]. Available at: (accessed: 21.06.2015). (In Russian)



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2016). Public art: the pages of history. Contemporary Russian art in the public space. Part 1: Monumental sculpture. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(4), 55–65. Retrieved from



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