“Seljuq portal”: architectural decoration as a method of political rhetoric



The article deals with the architectural composition of “Seljuk portal” — special mounting of the front of the building, constructed by Anatolian dynasty of Seljuk of Rum and its successors. This element was probably derived from Iran, but got the special features of Christian origin in Anatoly, especially the gable-vaulted bay with stalactites. The portal became the centre of facade compositions of Seljuk mosques and madrasah, designed from expensive materials, decorated with calligraphy, which often contains information about patron and builders of the structure. Initially unified Seljuk portals arranged caravanserais, made people think of government safe conduct and comfortable journey. Establishing in monumental forms the idea of official patronage resulted in transference of Seljuk portals to Muslim places of worship and turning them into part of propagandistic program, directed at spreading and strengthening the idea of strong Muslim State. Seljuk political rhetoric of the golden age of Sultanate of Konya (of Rum) was inherited by actual rulers of Mongolian domination times, which gives the evidence of its effectiveness. The fact of using “Seljuk portal” has also clarified the dating of Anatolian buildings. 


Seljuqs, Anatoly, architecture, portal compositions, political rhetoric, information systems


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Author Biography

Evgenii I. Kononenko, State Institute for Art Studies

PhD, the head of Department of Asian and African art, academic secretary



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How to Cite

Kononenko, E. I. (2015). “Seljuq portal”: architectural decoration as a method of political rhetoric. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 134–144. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2319


