The town square as a socio-political topos in works of Baudelaire and Degas



The article aims to show that Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Degas were notably receptive to the square as a special urban space which tends to strengthen civic consciousness of individuals. Baudelaire and Degas treat a town square as a socio-political topos. But unlike Degas’s painting “Place de la Concorde” (to which a particular attention is paid in the article), motives of squares in Baudelaire’s poems and essays do not form a reflection of modernity’s collective historical consciousness. In other words, they are not associated with the concept of “place of memory (le lieu de mémoire)”. Using this notion Pierre Nora described the places (be it monuments, terrains, events, texts and ideas) that attract collective cultural memory of the nation and belong more to historical present then to historical past as “the points of managing the past in the present”. And we can say about Degas’s painting that it represents the square of Concorde not only as a socio-political topos but also as a place of memory.


Degas, Baudelaire, the town square, Place de la Concorde, socio-political topos, place of memory


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Author Biography

Maria A. Chernysheva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Interdisciplinary studies and practices in the field of arts of the Faculty of Liberal arts and sciences



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How to Cite

Chernysheva, M. A. . (2014). The town square as a socio-political topos in works of Baudelaire and Degas. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(2), 197–207. Retrieved from



Interdisciplinary studies