Manuscript by L. F. Makaryev “An introduction to methodology of the actor’s art”


  • Eugeny R. Ganelin Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy; Saint Petersburg State University; Komissarzhevskaya Theatre


Th e paper is devoted to the publication of one of L. F. Makaryev’s article which was written in 1963 but has so far remained unpublished and unknown to experts and wide audience. In the introduction the author argues for publication of Makaryev’s work which, in his opinion, has great value in establishing Leningrad — St.-Petersburg School of drama actor training. Moreover the author gives a short overview of L. F. Makaryev’s projects on employing “an encyclopedic-university method of actor training”. Despite ideological infl uence on Makaryev’s work due to some peculiarities of that time, it has a great interest for modern Russian theater school and theatre studies.


L. F. Makaryev, the actor’s art, theatrical pedagogy, theatre school


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Author Biography

Eugeny R. Ganelin, Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy; Saint Petersburg State University; Komissarzhevskaya Theatre

associate professor, PhD, honored artist of Russia, actor of the Komissarzhevskaya Theatre



1. Васильев Ю. А. По страницам «Театрально-педагогического дневника» Л. Ф. Макарьева // Леонид Макарьев: творческое наследие. Статьи и воспоминания о Л. Ф. Макарьеве/ ред.-сост. В. Н. Дмитриевский. М., 1985. С. 140-150.

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3. Шведерский А. С. Можно ли учить тому, чему нельзя научить? // Диагностика и развитие художественной одаренности: сб. СПб., 1992. С. 67–75.

4. Равикович А. Институт // Петербургский театральный журнал. 2007. № 48.

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6. Herrmann M. Die Entstehung der berufsmässigen Schauspielkunst. Berlin: Herschel-verlag, 1962. 314 s.


1. Vasil'ev Iu. A. Po stranitsam "Teatral'no-pedagogicheskogo dnevnika" L. F. Makar'eva. Leonid Makar'ev: tvorcheskoe nasledie. Stat'i i vospominaniia o L. F. Makar'eve. Ed. by V. N. Dmitrievskii. Moscow, 1985, pp. 140-150. (In Russian)

2. Chirkova-Ivanova N. Vydaiushchiisia akter, rezhisser, dramaturg i teatral'nyi pedagog, narodnyi artist RSFSR, professor Leonid Fedorovich Makar'ev. Available at: http://raisatheatre.narod. ru/Makarev.htm (accessed: 12.01.2011). (In Russian)

3. Shvederskii A. S. Mozhno li uchit' tomu, chemu nel'zia nauchit'? Diagnostika i razvitie khudozhestvennoi odarennosti: sb. St Petersburg, 1992, pp. 67–75. (In Russian)

4. Ravikovich A. Institut. Peterburgskii teatral'nyi zhurnal, 2007, no. 48. (In Russian)

5. Belinskii A. Zapisat' vse, chto znaesh'. Available at: case/28_belinski.htm (accessed: 12.01.2011). (In Russian)

6. Herrmann M. Die Entstehung der berufsmässigen Schauspielkunst. Berlin, Herschel-verlag, 1962. 314 s.



How to Cite

Ganelin, E. R. . (2011). Manuscript by L. F. Makaryev “An introduction to methodology of the actor’s art”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(1), 3–31. Retrieved from


