Reception of the Notre Dame School’s Conductus in the early French Ars Nova: For the 700th Anniversary of the Manuscript F-Pn fr. 146


  • Marina E. Girfanova The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music



An extended edition of the poem “Roman de Fauvel” by Gervais du Bus, made by Chaillou de Pesstain and completed in 1317–1318, includes 169 musical numbers, of which 30 are based on the Notre Dame school’s conductus. This is the most extensive reception of the conductus in the notated sources of the beginning of the 14th century. The article reveals the reasons for the appeal of “Roman de Fauvel”, a satirical allegory of contemporary political and church life in France, to the conductus. Most of the pieces are monophonic and attributed to the “prosa” genre by the compilers of the manuscript. On the example of two proses, the author of the article traces the transformations that took place in relation to the primary conductus, preserved in earlier manuscripts. Monophonic pieces, in which the conductus is used, fit into the general development trends of the conductus genre at the end of the 13th–beginning of the 14th century. Five compositions are polyphonic; they are designated as “motez” by the authors of the manuscript. Almost all of them reveal the influence of the conductus genre: at the level of a single party, and in a number of the motets — at the level of the composition. The sign of belonging to the “Roman de Fauvel” becomes the “fauvelization” of many conductus, which consists in adding (or re-writing) poetic lines linking the content of Notre Dame school’s conductus texts to the central figure of the novel, Fouvel, and thereby updating them.


manuscript F‑Pn fr. 146, Roman de Fauvel, Gervais du Bus, Chaillou de Pesstain, conductus, motet, prosa, rhythmic modes, ars nova, the cantus firmus elaboration


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Author Biography

Marina E. Girfanova, The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music

Dr. Habil., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory of Music and Composition



1. Bus, Gervais, du. Le roman de Fauvel. Publié d’après tous les manuscrits connus par Arthur Långfors. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot et Cie, 1914–1919.

2. G. P. [Paris, Gaston]. “Le Roman de Fauvel”. Dans le liv. Histoire littéraire de la France, éd. par Marie-Paul-Hyacinthe Meyer, 108–53. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1898, t. XXXII: Suite du quatorzième siècle.

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6. Le Roman de Fauvel in the edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain: a reproduction in facsimile of the complete manuscript, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds français 146. Introduction by Edward H. Roesner, François Avril and Nancy Freenman Regalado. New York: Broude Brothers, 1990.

7. Langlois, Charles-Victor. La Vie en France au moyen ȃge d’après quelques moralistes du temps. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1908.

8. Lalou, Elisabeth. “Le Roman de Fauvel à la chancellerie royale”. Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes 152, no. 2 (1994): 503–9.

9. Bent, Margaret, and Andrew Wathey. “Introduction”. In Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music and Image in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS français 146, ed. by Margaret Bent and Andrew Wathey, 1–24. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

10. Rosenberg, Samuel N., and Hans Tischler, eds. The Monophonic Songs in the Roman de Fauvel. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.

11. Reimer, Erich. Johannes de Garlandia: De mensurabili musica. 2 Bände. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1972.

12. Franconis de Colonia. Ars cantus mensurabilis. Ed. by Gilbert Reaney and André Gilles. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1974.

13. Everist, Mark. “Reception and Recomposition in the Polyphonic ‘Conductus cum caudis’: The Metz Fragment”. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 125, no. 2 (2000): 135–63.

14. Schrade, Leo, ed. The Roman de Fauvel; The works of Philippe de Vitry; French cycles of the Ordinarium Missae. Monaco: Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1956.

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16. Welker, Lorenz. “Polyphonic Reworkings of Notre-Dame Conductus in BN fr. 146: Mundus a mundicia and Quare fremuerunt”. In Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music and Image in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS français 146, ed. by Margaret Bent and Andrew Wathey, 615–36. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

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18. Roesner, Edward H. “Labouring in the Midst of Wolves: Reading a Group of Fauvel Motets”. Early Music History 22 (2003): 169–245.

19. Clark, Alice V. “Concordare cum materia: The Tenor in the Fourteenth-Century Motet”. PhD diss. Princeton Univesity, 1996.

20. Everist, Mark. Discovering Medieval Song: Latin Poetry and Music in the Conductus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


I. F-Pn fr. 146 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд 146].

II. F-Pn fr. 2195 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд 2195].

III. F-Pn fr. 12460 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд 12460].

IV. F-Pn fr. 24436 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд 24436].

V. F-Pn fr. 24375 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд 24375].

VI. F-T MS 947 [Франция. Тур. Муниципальная библиотека. Манускр. 947].

VII. I-Fl Pluteo 29.1 [Италия. Флоренция. Библиотека Медичи Лауренциана. Pluteo 29.1].

VIII. US-NHub Beinecke MS 712.59. [Соединенные Штаты Америки. Нью-Хейвен. Библиотека редких книг и рукописей Бейнеке в Йельском университете. Манускр. 712.59].

IX. D-W Guelf. 1099 Helmst. [Германия. Вольфенбюттель. Библиотека герцога Августа. 1099 Helmst.].

X. F-Pn NAL 1544 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Французский фонд NAL 1544].

XI. GB-Cccc 468 [Великобритания. Кембридж. Колледж Корпус-Кристи. 468].

XII. GB-Cu Hh.VI. 11. [Великобритания. Кембридж. Кембриджская университетская библиотека. Hh.VI. 11].

XIII. GB-Ob Rawl. Poet. C510 [Великобритания. Оксфорд. Бодлианская библиотека. Манускр. Роулисона. Поэзия. C510].

XIV. D-W Guelf. 628 Helmst. [Германия. Вольфенбюттель. Библиотека герцога Августа. 628 Helmst.].

XV. F-Pn lat. 8433 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Латинский фонд 8433].

XVI. GB-Lbl Egerton 274 [Великобритания. Лондон. Британская библиотека. Эгертон 274].

XVII. F-Pn lat. 8207 [Франция. Париж. Национальная библиотека Франции. Латинский фонд 8207].

XVIII. CZ-Pak N VIII [Чешская Республика. Прага. Архив Пражского Града. Библиотека пражского митрополита. N VIII].

XIX. D-DS Hs-2777 [Германия. Дармштадт. Университетская и государственная библиотека Дармштадта. Hs-2777].

XX. B-Br MS 19606 [Бельгия. Брюссель. Королевская библиотека Бельгии. Манускр. 19606].

XXI. F-MO H 196 [Франция. Монпелье. Межуниверситетская библиотека. Секция медицины. H 196].

XXII. GB-Occ MS 497 [Великобритания. Оксфорд. Колледж Корпус-Кристи. Манускр. 497].


1. Bus, Gervais, du. Le roman de Fauvel. Publié d’après tous les manuscrits connus par Arthur Långfors. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot et Cie, 1914–1919.

2. G. P. [Paris, Gaston]. “Le Roman de Fauvel”. Dans le liv. Histoire littéraire de la France, éd. par Marie-Paul-Hyacinthe Meyer, 108–53. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1898, t. XXXII: Suite du quatorzième siècle.

3. Girfanova, Marina. “In Honor of the 700th Anniversary of the Manuscript ‘Roman de Fauvel’. ‘Roman de Fauvel’, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, français, 146 Part One. The Authors and Composition of the Manuscript”. Muzyka. Iskusstvo, nauka, praktika, no. 2/14 (2016): 9–21. (In Russian)

4. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, s. v. “Conductus” by Janet Knapp. Accessed September 03, 2019.

5. Gasparov, Mikhail. Essays on the History of European Verse. 2nd ed. Moscow: Fortuna Limited Publ., 2003. (In Russian)

6. Le Roman de Fauvel in the edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain: a reproduction in facsimile of the complete manuscript, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds français 146. Introduction by Edward H. Roesner, François Avril and Nancy Freenman Regalado. New York: Broude Brothers, 1990.

7. Langlois. Charles-Victor. La Vie en France au moyen ȃge d’après quelques moralistes du temps. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1908.

8. Lalou, Elisabeth. “Le Roman de Fauvel à la chancellerie royale”. Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes 152, no. 2 (1994): 503–9.

9. Bent, Margaret, and Andrew Wathey. “Introduction”. In Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music and Image in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS français 146, ed. by Margaret Bent and Andrew Wathey, 1–24. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

10. Rosenberg, Samuel N., and Hans Tischler, eds. The Monophonic Songs in the Roman de Fauvel. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.

11. Reimer, Erich. Johannes de Garlandia: De mensurabili musica. 2 Bände. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1972.

12. Franconis de Colonia. Ars cantus mensurabilis. Ed. by Gilbert Reaney and André Gilles. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1974.

13. Everist, Mark. “Reception and Recomposition in the Polyphonic ‘Conductus cum caudis’: The Metz Fragment”. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 125, no. 2 (2000): 135–63. DOI: 10.1093/jrma/125.2.1.

14. Schrade, Leo, ed. The Roman de Fauvel; The works of Philippe de Vitry; French cycles of the Ordinarium Missae. Monaco: Editions de l’Oiseau-Lyre, 1956.

15. Lopukhin, Aleksandr, ed. Explanatory Bible, or Comments on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. 7 vols. 4th ed. Moscow: DAR” Publ., 2009, vol. III: Historical books; Educational books. (In Russian)

16. Welker, Lorenz. “Polyphonic Reworkings of Notre-Dame Conductus in BN fr. 146: Mundus a mundicia and Quare fremuerunt”. In Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music and Image in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS français 146, ed. by Margaret Bent and Andrew Wathey, 615–36. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

17. Pospelova, Rimma. Western Notation of the XI–XIV Centuries. Main Reforms (On the Material of the Treatises). Moscow: Kompozitor Publ., 2003. (In Russian)

18. Roesner, Edward H. “Labouring in the Midst of Wolves: Reading a Group of Fauvel Motets”. Early Music History 22 (2003): 169–245.

19. Clark, Alice V. “Concordare cum materia: The Tenor in the Fourteenth-Century Motet”. PhD diss. Princeton Univesity, 1996.

20. Everist, Mark. Discovering Medieval Song: Latin Poetry and Music in the Conductus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.


I. F-Pn fr. 146 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque Nationale. Fonds fr. 146].

II. F-Pn fr. 2195 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Fonds fr. 2195].

III. F-Pn fr. 12460 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Fonds fr. 12460].

IV. F-Pn fr. 24436 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Fonds fr. 24436].

V. F-Pn fr. 24375 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Fonds fr. 24375].

VI. F-T MS 947 [France. Tours. Bibliothèque municipale. MS 947].

VII. I-Fl Pluteo 29.1 [Italy. Florence (Firenze). Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana. Pluteo 29.1 (Medici Antiphoner)].

VIII. US-NHub Beinecke MS 712.59 [United States. New Haven. Beinecke Library for Rare Books and Manuscripts. 712.59].

IX. D-W Guelf. 1099 Helmst. [Germany. Wolfenbüttel. Herzog August Bibliothek. 1099 Helmst.].

X. F-Pn NAL 1544 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. NAL 1544].

XI. GB-Cccc 468 [England. Cambridge. Corpus Christi College. 468].

XII. GB-Cu Hh.VI. 11 [England. Cambridge. Cambridge University Library. Hh.VI. 11].

XIII. GB-Ob Rawl. Poet. C510 [England. Oxford. Bodeleian Library. Rawl. Poet. C510].

XIV. D-W Guelf. 628 Helmst. [Germany Wolfenbüttel. Herzog August Bibliothek. 628 Helmst.].

XV. F-Pn lat. 8433 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque Nationale. Fonds lat. 8433].

XVI. GB-Lbl Egerton 274 [England. London. British Library. Egerton 274].

XVII. F-Pn lat. 8207 [France. Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Fonds lat. 8207].

XVIII. CZ-Pak N VIII [Czech Republic. Prague. Archiv Pražského hradu. Knihovna pražské metropolitní kapituly. N VIII].

XIX. D-DS Hs-2777 [Germany. Darmstadt. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek. Hs-2777].

XX. B-Br MS 19606 [Belgium. Brussels. Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I. MS 19606].

XXI. F-MO H 196 [France. Montpellier. Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire. Section Médecine. H 196].

XXII. GB-Occ MS 497 [England. Oxford. Corpus Christi College. MS 497].



How to Cite

Girfanova, M. E. (2019). Reception of the Notre Dame School’s Conductus in the early French Ars Nova: For the 700th Anniversary of the Manuscript F-Pn fr. 146. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 9(3), 453–481.


