Chronotop of the proto-design of the Saint Petersburg state artistic-industrial academy of name A. L. Shtiglitsa (part 1)


  • Nina P. Valkova Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Art and Industrial Academy


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the parameters (“time”, “the authors”, “place”, “the genius of place”), which had an impact on establishing and further development of the Central College for Technical Drawing of Baron Alexander L. Stieglitz. Th e author considers the Central College for Technical Drawing not only as a project that interrelates with the socio-cultural realia of Russia, but also as one of the fi rst experiments in the sphere of design-programming for designer training.


school, history, the parameters, time, the authors, place, “the genius of place”, “design culture”, design-programming


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Author Biography

Nina P. Valkova, Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Art and Industrial Academy

PhD, Professor of the Department of Software Design of the Faculty of Design



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1. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv. F. 790. Op. 1. D. 6. Proshenie A. L. Shtiglitsa na imia Aleksandra II. (In Russian)

2. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv. F. 790. Op. 1. D. 20. Reskript, podpisannyi Aleksandrom II. (In Russian)

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4. Manizer A. L. Chem iunost' bogata. Leningrad, 1929. (In Russian)

5. Petrov-Vodkin K. S. Khlynovsk. Prostranstvo Evklida. Samarkandiia. 2nd ed. St Petersburg, Azbuka Publ., 2000. 766 p. (In Russian)

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How to Cite

Valkova, N. P. . (2011). Chronotop of the proto-design of the Saint Petersburg state artistic-industrial academy of name A. L. Shtiglitsa (part 1). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(3), 50–57. Retrieved from


