On the history of the catholic theatre in 20th century


  • Inna A. Nekrasova Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy


The article touches upon the subject of the religious theatre revival in West Europe, particularly in France, during the fi rst half of the 20th century. Different conceptions of the new “catholic theatre” are observed in the context of philosophical, religious and artistic ideas, approached as a part of general process of the religious arts regeneration. In addition, it examines the artistic career of Henry Ghéon, a French catholic playwright and stage director, viewed as a model of conception of catholic theatre in the 1920–1930s. The article considers his theoretical views and original practical experience of his troupe named the “Companions of Our Lady” which united the traditions of amateur “catholic stages” and the principles of new style.


catholic theatre, French stage direction, Jacques Copeau, Henry Ghéon, “Companions of Our Lady”


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Author Biography

Inna A. Nekrasova, Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy

PhD, Professor of the Department of Foreign Arts of the Theatrical Faculty, theatrical scientist



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4. Claudel P. Lettre à Alexandre Cingria sur les causes de la décadence de l’art sacré. Claudel P. Oeuvres en prose. Paris, Gallimard, 1989, pp. 118–121.

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8. Lioure M. Le théâtre religieux en France. Paris, P. U. F., 1983. 127 p.

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10. Ghéon H. L’action catholique par le théâtre. Ourthe et Ambiève. 1927, 3 Apr, no. № 13.

11. Henri Ghéon en Belgique / choix de textes par V. Martin-Schmetz. Bruxelles, Tropismes, 1994. 189 p.

12. Eliot T. S. Poeziia i drama. Eliot T. S. Naznachenie poezii. Stat'i o literature. Kiev, AirLand, 1996, pp. 208–225. (In Russian)

13. Deléglise M. Le théâtre d’Henri Ghéon: Contribution à l’étude du renouveau théâtral. Sion, Suisse, Fiorina et Pellet, 1947. 407 p.

14. Teatro francese contemporaneo di autori cattolici. Pres. da M. Apollonio. Torino, ERI, 1950. XLVIII, 690 p.

15. Gignoux H. Dal "Vieux Colombier" ai "Comédiens Routiers". Teatro europeo traesistenza esacralità: Francia. Atti del Convegno di Forlì 16–17–18 novembre 1984. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 1986, pp. 24–37.

16. Ghéon H. Le Jeu des grandes heures de Reims. Reims, L. Michaud, 1938. 61 p.



How to Cite

Nekrasova, I. A. . (2011). On the history of the catholic theatre in 20th century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(4), 72–80. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/998


