The Dusseldorf School of Photography: social and mythologica


  • Ekaterina V. Vasilyeva Saint Petersburg State University



The paper concerns the issues of the Dusseldorf School of photography that can be viewed from two main poles. The author examines the possibility of  combining two analytical traditions in the investigations of the Dusseldorf School of photography. On one hand, the pictorial tradition of the Art Academy in Düsseldorf is closely related to a social system. On the other hand, the photography of the Dusseldorf School forms a mythological and epic construct. The tradition of the Düsseldorf School of photography permits one to interpret the social system as a mythological space. Special attention is paid to the works of Kraus, Barthes and Baudrillard. Investigations of the major correlates of social issues and their comparison to the elements of epic systems as they have been realised in the paper can mark a new emphasis in the study of pictorial traditions for one of the most remarkable modern photographic schools as well for contemporary art in general.


photography, Dusseldorf School, The Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Joseph Beuys, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Andreas Gursky, Candida Hofer, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth, Elger Esser, Laurenz Berges, Jörg Sasse, mythological, neutral, social


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Author Biography

Ekaterina V. Vasilyeva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of design of the Faculty of arts



1. Gronert S. The Düsseldorf School of Photography. New York: Aperture, 2009. 320 p.

2. Valentin E. Joseph Beuys. Art, politique et mystique. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014. 242 p.

3. Koolhaas R., Zenghelis E. Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture // Casabella. 1973. Vol. 37, N 378. Р. 42–45.

4. Hambourg M. M., Montebello P. The New Vision: Photography Between the World Wars. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989. 318 p.

5. Lange S. Bernd and Hilla Becher: Life and Work. Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 2006. 248 p.

6. Sontag S. On Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973. 183 p.

7. Краусс Р. Дискурсивные пространства фотографии // Подлинность авангарда и другие социальные мифы. М.: Художественный журнал, 2003. С. 135–152.

8. Szarkowski J., Hamburg M. M. The Work of Atget. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1981–1985. Vol. 1–4.

9. Васильева Е. В. Фотография и феномен времени // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 15. Искусствоведение. 2014. Вып. 1. С. 64–79.

10. Барт Р. Camera Lucida: комментарий к фотографии (1980) / пер., коммент. и послесл. М. Рыклина. М.: Ad Marginem, 1997. 223 с.

11. Baudrillard J. La Photographie ou l’Écriture de la Lumiere: Litteralite de l’Image // L’Echange Impossible. Paris: Galilée, 1999. P. 175–184.


1. Gronert S. The Düsseldorf School of Photography. New York, Aperture, 2009, 320 p.

2. Valentin E. Joseph Beuys. Art, politique et mystique. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2014, 242 p.

3. Koolhaas R., Zenghelis E. Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture. Casabella, 1973, vol. 37, no. 378, pp. 42–45.

4. Hambourg M. M., Montebello P. The New Vision: Photography Between the World Wars. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989, 318 p.

5. Lange S. Bernd and Hilla Becher: Life and Work. Cambridge, London, The MIT Press, 2006, 248 p.

6. Sontag S. On Photography. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973, 183 p.

7. Krauss R. Diskursivnye prostranstva fotografii [Discursive spaces of photography]. Podlinnost' avangarda i drugie sotsial'nye mify [The authenticity of avant-garde and the other social myths]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennyi zhurnal Publ., 2003, pp. 135–152. (In Russian)

8. Szarkowski J., Hamburg M. M. The Work of Atget. New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 1981–1985, vol. 1–4.

9. Vasil'eva E. Fotografiia i fenomen vremeni [Photography and Phenomenon of Time]. Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Series 15. Arts, 2014, issue 1, pp. 64–79. (In Russian)

10. Bart R. Camera Lucida: kommentarii k fotografii (1980) [Camera Lucida]. Transl., Comment. and Afterword by M. Ryklin. Moscow, Ad Marginem Publ., 1997, 223 p. (In Russian)

11. Baudrillard J. La Photographie ou l’Écriture de la Lumiere: Litteralite de l’Image. L’Echange Impossible. Paris, Galilée, 1999, pp. 175–184.



How to Cite

Vasilyeva, E. V. (2016). The Dusseldorf School of Photography: social and mythologica. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(3), 27–37.



Visual arts