Anarmonia “so wird aus dem Ferckel ein Ass”, or Substantionally covering a non-existent problem


  • Alexei A. Panov Saint Petersburg State University
  • Ivan V. Rosanoff Saint Petersburg State University, The Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory


Our article discusses the hypothesis about the possibility of the existence in the 17th to 18th century performance practice of a certain “inner-metric agogic” erroneously posited by Professor S. M. Maltsev of St. Petersburg State Conservatory. Based on the analysis of a significant number of historical documents and materials the authors came to the conclusion that Professor Maltsev’s hypothesis is founded on an erroneous interpretation of early sources and contradicts the immutable postulate: the measure [Tact] (“the soul of music” according to the terminology nomenclature of that time) must be beaten regularly/equally. The uneven/irregular beating of the measure — i.e. the “inner-metric agogic” — early music writers have defined by the term Anarmonia, that is “in German — swine [eine Anarmonia, auff Teutsch/ein Ferckel]” (M. Fuhrmann, 1706) and compared it with a cat’s concert, barking of dogs, and a herd of pigs.


Taktenlehre, tempo, rhythm, baroque music


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Author Biographies

Alexei A. Panov, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Professor, Director of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Member of the Board of the Russian National Society for Theory of Music

Ivan V. Rosanoff, Saint Petersburg State University, The Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon at the Saint Petersburg State University; Professor of the Department of Organ and Harpsichord at the Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory, Honored worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation



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22. Panov A., Rosanoff I. Towards the tact and tactus in German baroque treatises. Musigi Dunyasi. 2014, no. 3 (60), pp. 7157–7180.

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25. DeFord R. I. Tactus, Mensuration and Rhythm in Renaissance Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 516 p.

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27. Neumann Fr. The French “Inégales”, Quantz, and Bach. Journal of the American Musicological Society. 1965. Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 313–358.



How to Cite

Panov, A. A. ., & Rosanoff, I. V. . (2016). Anarmonia “so wird aus dem Ferckel ein Ass”, or Substantionally covering a non-existent problem. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(4), 5–12. Retrieved from




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