One more time about “the problem of Seljuk art”



The article deals with the history of so-called “Seljuk problem” in Eastern art historiography. Native researchers had to return to this problem more then once. It was caused by high quality of artistic monuments, architectural first of all, dating back not only to the time of Great Seljuk State, and extended to the large territories subordinate to Turkic dynasties. Were Turk-Seljuks real creators of enormous number of “Seljuk art” monuments, or one can speak only about making the favorable conditions for local art schools and state-guaranteed orders? Impossibility of simple answer results in concealment of Seljuk period, which weakens down the idea of Muslim architectural development.


Seljuk, art of Islam, typology of Muslim architecture, Turkish architecture, local traditions, mosque, mausoleum


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Author Biography

Evgenii I. Kononenko, State Institute for Art Studies

PhD, the head of Department of Asian and African art



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10. Kononenko E. I. Anatoliiskie mecheti Velikikh Sel’dzhukov: arkhitekturnye i politicheskie orientiry [Anatolian mosques of the Great Seljuks: architectural and political landmarks]. Iskusstvoznanie [Art Studies], 2015, no. 3–4. (in press). (In Russian)

11. Kononenko E. I. “Sel’dzhukskii portal”: arkhitekturnaia dekoratsiia kak sredstvo politicheskoi ritoriki [“Seljuq portal”: architectural decoration as the method of political rhetoric]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 15. Arts. 2015, no. 1, pp. 134–144. (In Russian)

12. The Cambridge History of Islam, vol. 1A. The Central Islamic Lands from pre-islamic times to the Ist World War. Eds P. M. Holt, A. Lambton, B. Lewis. London, New York, Сambridge University press, 2005 [1970]. 523 p.

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19. Osmanli mimarisi. Usul-i Mi’mari-i Osmani [Osmanian architecture]. Istanbul, Ç amlica, 2010 [1873]. 256 p.

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24. The Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. 1. Byzantium to Turkey, 1071–1453. Ed. by K. Fleet. London, New York, Сambridge University press, 2009. 522 p.

25. Rakhmanaliev R. Imperiia tiurkov. Velikaia tsivilizatsiia [The empire of turks. The great civilization]. Moscow, RIPOL klassik Publ., 2009. 742 p. (In Russian)

26. Koprulu M. F. The Seljuks of Anatolia: their history and culture according to local muslim sources. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1992 [1943]. 141 p.

27. Savvides A. G. C. Some major Seljuk, Persian and Ottoman sources regarding Byzantine-Seljuk relations (A bibliographical survey). Mesogeios, 2005, no. 25–26, pp. 9–26.

28. Zaporozhets V. M. Sel’dzhuki [The Seljuks]. Moscow, Voenizdat Publ., 2011. 295 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Kononenko, E. I. . (2015). One more time about “the problem of Seljuk art”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(3), 66–77. Retrieved from


