Past and present of Northumberland: John Martin — an architect of future


  • Tatiana P. Evseeva Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture


The article analyses the heritage of English artist John Martin (1789–1854), practically unknown for a Russian reader. It tells about an outstanding event taken place in Britain in 2011 — an exhibition of the romantic master titled “Heaven and Hell”. It also provides background information on the issue previously presented both in English and Russian art studies. This research work develops some ideas that can be found in the article “Oriental themes and Art of John Martin”, published in the first issue of the journal, 2013. In addition, it analyses some philosophical and image connection of Martin’s art with contemporary practice of English architects. It brings together the past and the future of a unique part of English North, Northumberland. The local legends of the area and their influence on creative power of the artist are being analysed for the first time.


English art, John Martin, English architecture, Northumberland, Newcastle


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Author Biography

Tatiana P. Evseeva, Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture




1. Некрасова Е. А. Романтизм в английском искусстве. М.: Искусство, 1975. 255 с.

2. Feaver V. The art of John Martin. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. 256 p.

3. Pendered M. John Martin, painter: his life and times. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1923. 278 p.

4. Верижникова Т. Ф. Джон Мартин. История изучения и актуальность исследования творчества художника // Проблемы развития зарубежного искусства. Вып. XI. Л.: Академия художеств, 1981. C. 68–75.

5. Верижникова Т. Ф. Пейзаж в гравюрах Джона Мартина к «Потерянному Раю» Мильтона // Проблемы развития зарубежного искусства. Вып. XIV. Л.: Академия художеств, 1981. C. 48–55.

6. Евсеева Т. П. Джон Мартин, Уильям Хогарт, Дэвид Гриффит и Сергей Эйзенштейн: взаимосвязь эстетических взглядов // Научные труды института им. И. Е. Репина. 2012. Вып. 23. Вопросы теории культуры. С. 277–287.

7. Евсеева Т. П. Восточные мотивы в творчестве Джона Мартина // Вестн. С.-Петерб. ун-та. Сер. 15. 2013. Вып. 1. С. 100–109.


1. Nekrasova E. A. Romantizm v angliiskom iskusstve. M.: Iskusstvo, 1975. 255 p.

2. Feaver V. The art of John Martin. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. 256 p.

3. Pendered M. John Martin, painter: his life and times. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1923. 278 p.

4. Verizhnikova T. F. Dzhon Martin. Istoriia izucheniia i aktual'nost' issledovaniia tvorchestva khudozhnika, Problemy razvitiia zarubezhnogo iskusstva. Vyp. XI. L.: Akademiia khudozhestv, 1981. C. 68–75.

5. Verizhnikova T. F. Peizazh v graviurakh Dzhona Martina k «Poteriannomu Raiu» Mil'tona, Problemy razvitiia zarubezhnogo iskusstva. Vyp. XIV. L.: Akademiia khudozhestv, 1981. p. 48–55.

6. Evseeva T. P. Dzhon Martin, Uil'iam Khogart, Devid Griffit i Sergei Eizenshtein: vzaimosviaz' esteticheskikh vzgliadov, Nauchnye trudy instituta im. I. E. Repina. 2012. Vyp. 23. Voprosy teorii kul'tury. p. 277–287.

7. Evseeva T. P. Vostochnye motivy v tvorchestve Dzhona Martina, Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 15 2013. Vyp. 1. p. 100–109.



How to Cite

Evseeva, T. P. . (2018). Past and present of Northumberland: John Martin — an architect of future. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 115–127. Retrieved from



Visual arts