Christian ideas and symbols in operas by Paul Dukas and Olivier Messiaen


  • Valentina V. Azarova Saint Petersburg State University


The main concern of the article is Christian ideas and symbols in the operas by the eminent XXth century French composers, Paul Dukas (Ariane et Barbe-Bleu) and Olivier Messiaen (Saint François d’Assise). The author has revealed some common traits in musical dramaturgy of the works mentioned above. These elements could be explained by deep understanding of Christian fundamentals. For the first time, the author enquires into the extensive understanding of Christian ideas. Such approach has led to renewal of forms and genres within French musical theatre, with historical premises of its evolution having been identified. The evolution made its way from opéra lyrique and opéra-miracle (Charles Gounod, Jules Massenet) towards symbolist and impressionist lyrical drama and mystery play (Claude Debussy, Paul Dukas), continued as French musical drama (Vincent d’Indy) and as melodrama (Igor Stravinsky) and resulted in synthesis of different genres in the operas by Francis Poulenc and Olivier Messiaen.


Paul Dukas, Olivier Messiaen, ‘Ariane et Barbe-Bleu’, 'Saint François d’Assise', ideas and symbols of Christianity, composer’s spiritual unity, Christian faith, evolution of French opera, musical dramaturgy, musical theatre genres


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Author Biography

Valentina V. Azarova, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon



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12. Messiaen O. Saint François d’Assise (Scènes Franciscaines). Opéra en 3 Actes et 8 Tableaux. Poèmes et Musique d’Olivier Messiaen. Acte I — 2e Tableau. Les Laudes. Éditions Alphonse Leduc. 1991. 244 p.

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How to Cite

Azarova, V. V. . (2013). Christian ideas and symbols in operas by Paul Dukas and Olivier Messiaen. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(3), 3–15. Retrieved from


