Art parallels in the Romantic era: John Martin and Russian Art


  • Tatiana P. Evseeva Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture


The article analyses the heritage of John Martin, an English artist (1789–1854). Philosophical and image-bearing connection of Martin’s art with contemporary practices of Russian painters from Imperial Academy of Fine Art from Saint-Petersburg in Italy is being discussed for the first time. The subject of the article is a tradition of co-relation between new romantic themes of English art and academic school of painting. The description of the painting "The Belshazzar’s Feast" by John Martin has been translated into Russian for the first time by the author. The article discusses not only the problems associated with introducing a new approach to reveal the value of the English artist for the art process of XIX century and discussing the phenomenon of the universality of John Martin’s talent, but also outline some of the ways for future research about Russian art of 19th century.


English art, John Martin, English literature, French literature, Russian Literature, Nicolay Gogol,


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Author Biography

Tatiana P. Evseeva, Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture




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How to Cite

Evseeva, T. P. . (2013). Art parallels in the Romantic era: John Martin and Russian Art. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(4), 74–92. Retrieved from



Visual arts