“Hearing ecology” and effect of “invisible action” in the “Das Madchen mit den Schwefelholzern” of Helmut Lachenmann and “Lohengrin” — Azione invisibile of Salvatore Sciarrino



The article focuses on musical post-serial practices, which reveal the general tendency towards conceptual silence and new unusual sound forms and introduces a concept of “hearing ecology”. The analysis and conclusions are based on two modern operas: the “Das Madchen mit den Schwefelholzern” by Helmut Lachenmann and “Lohengrin” — Azione invisibile by Salvatore Sciarrino. These examples can show an obvious change in perception, focused on physical aspects feelings and emotions.


“Hearing ecology”, effect of “invisible action”


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Author Biography

Svetlana V. Lavrova, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts, member of the Union of composers of Russia



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How to Cite

Lavrova, S. V. . (2012). “Hearing ecology” and effect of “invisible action” in the “Das Madchen mit den Schwefelholzern” of Helmut Lachenmann and “Lohengrin” — Azione invisibile of Salvatore Sciarrino. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 9–20. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1643




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